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Giornale Radio intervista Dario De Toffoli

17 March 2025: Dario De Toffoli was a guest this morning on the radio programme 120 Minutes, hosted by Vicky Mangone on Giornale Radio.

Crea il tuo Gioco

Febbraio 2025: studiogiochi organizza, in collaborazione con il Comune di Marcon (VE), un laboratorio sui giochi da tavolo dedicato ai giovani. Un’opportunità per approfondire la conoscenza dei giochi da tavolo, scoprirne i diversi meccanismi e provare a progettarne uno sotto la guida di esperti.

Spielwarenmesse 2025

February 2025: five studiogiochi’s games were unveiled at this year’s Spielwarenmesse, and more than 40 prototypes were presented to publishers in the marvellous marathon that is the Nuremberg Fair!

Gold’n Gob Enfant 2024 Award for Le Chemin de la Maison

November 2024: Le Chemin de la Maison by Leo Colovini has won the Gold’n Gob Enfant 2024 prize! The prize was awarded at the board game fair ‘Les Jeux Du Stan’, which took place on 23-24 November 2024 in Nancy (France).


Tick… Tack… Bumm Wortwirbel

February 2025: here is the first of our games presented at the last Nuremberg fair! Leo Colovini signs a new crackling version of the famous game Tick… Tack… Bumm, in which you have to create words out of a swirl of letters…

Enigmistica24 celebrates 160 years of Sole 24 ORE

13 January 2025: the economics and culture puzzle supplement of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore edited by studiogiochi continues this year. In the first issue, released Jan. 10, we celebrate 160 years of the Il Sole 24 ORE‘s history with a quiz!

Kinder Cards, what Magic!

December 2024: fancy some magical challenges? Find out how many we have created for the Kinder Klub Family on the Italian website and by framing the QR codes on the Italian Kinder Cards packs!

What the Fog?!

December 2024: 999 Games publishes Leo Colovini’s new creation. A dynamic and engaging board game with a weather forecasting theme, combining strategy, bluffing and simple rules with deep gameplay.


Play Masterword, the game that tests your logical and creative reasoning skills, developed by studiogiochi!

2022 was the “randolphian” year!
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth (on May 4, 2022) the gaming world dedicated deserved tributes to him. It was time that even the “gamers” became aware of one of the giants on whose shoulders we all stand.
In this area the chronicle of what happened throughout the course of the year.

Italian Games Archive