Dau Barcelona 2013
14-15 December 2013: Leo Colonnini participated to DAU Barcelona 2nd Board Game Festival.
studiogiochi presents a Questionnaire by the De Rosa Project which was commissioned to carry out a feasibility study for a new event to be carried out in 2015...
November 2013: Inkognito, the popular game by Alex Randolph and Leo Colovini, published by Ares Games in a new edition, is in the stores!
November 2013: "Ab in die Tonne" ("Roskis") is the game of the year in Norway!
October 2013: the multilingual edition ofAb in die Tonne (lautapelit.fi), a game by Carlo A. Rossi, is in the stores!
October 2013: Road Rally USA, the game by Carlo A. Rossi, published by MayFair Games, is in the stores!
Shared gold between Ankush Kahndelwal and Andres Kuusk at the Mind Sports Olympiad 2013. The chronicles are online.