Leo – muss zum Friseur

Leo – muss zum Friseur
Spiele Hit für Kinder 2016
Kinderspiel des Jahres 2016
Deutschen Kinderspiele Preis
Juego del Año Infantil Malacitano 2017
5 Seasons 2019
Kids award
Leo the Lion needs to go to the barber. But he dawdles and chats with the animals that he meets on his way. In order to get to the barber before the sunset, he needs the players help.
Linked games: Koning Odysseus
The new Hasbro Gaming Crate Box system! The first box includes Leo goes to the barber.
A fun creation by Leo Colovini published by Abacus Spiele, with as main character the Lion Leo!
The game
List of editions
2016, Leo - va dal barbiere
G3,Leo - wybiera sie do fryzjera
(Polacco)2016, Leo
Albi,Leo - musì ke kadernìkovi
(Ceco, Slovacco)2016, Leo - muss zum Friseur
(Tedesco, Inglese)2016, Leo
(Danese, Svedese, Norvegese, Finlandese)2016, Leo - muss zum Friseur
(Tedesco) (first edition)2016, Leo - in drum spre frizer
(German, French, Italian)2017, Leo va al barbero
(Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan)2017, Ed. Americana
(Greek)2017, Leo moet naar de kapper
(Dutch)2017, 레오