Home Premio Archimede Edition 2018

Edition 2018



Premio Archimede 2018 had been won by the game JAP – Just Another Pirate Game, by debuting author Gian Andrea Cappuzzo, who also won two secondary prizes.

“I already tried participating at the contest two times”, explains Capuzzo, 42, from Padua, who works in the horse market “but the game I presented together with a friend of mine who works as an architect was as beautiful to see as incomplete and imprecise rules wise. Jap instead seemed to be better from the start, and for that I must especially thank my two nephews, who became the perfect play testers”.

Second place: FeudaLink by Marcello Bertocchi.
Completing the podium, Qoobeland by Alessandro Dentis and at fourth place Bononia, by Gabriele Bubola.

Worthy of notice, the secondary prizes:

Special Prize “Sebastiano Izzo”, given by Dario De Toffoli to Le Cinque Torri, by Agostino Recchia, for the game that – in the juror’s opinion – would have been appreciated by Sebastiano Izzo, beloved “games buddy” of his;

Special Prize Cartamundi, for the best card game, was given by Ileana Xodo to Conclave X, by Félix Bernat Julián;

Special Prize IDG, for the best game entirely created by a non-professional author, as well as the Special Prize AIG, for the most original game mechanic, went to JAP, by Gian Andrea Cappuzzo;

Special Prize Fotonica in Gioco went to Stop Climate Change, by the students of Liceo Scientifico G. Gandini, Lodi (classe 5G) and Special Prize Scienza e Gioco went to Scie Chimiche, by Mirko Baldicchi, both given by Fabio Chiarello, Sara Di Marcello and Roberta Ramponi, (CNR).

The best 10 games will be exhibited at the Musée Suisse de Jeu (Swiss Museum of games) in La Tour-de-Peliz.

The final ceremony took place on September 29th, at the beautiful San Leonardo Hall, made available by the City of Venice.

158 games participated this year to the 16th edition of Premio Archimede, most of them coming from all over Italy but also from other 10 countries, including Japan and Argentina. All games were played and evaluated with extreme care by the preliminary jury, led by Leo Colovini and including Giuseppe Baggio, Piero Modolo, Federico Colovini and Umberto Rosin. This last one is worthy of a special recognition, for he let the jurors experience the emotion of a nocturnal trip on the Canal Grande aboard an ancient rowing boat (arzana.org).

The 81 handmade prototypes that had been selected by the preliminary jury for the finals were also exhibited on the same day. Among them there were all sorts of games: strategy, luck, abstract, thematized, simple, complex, all with new and original ideas, with a quality that is noticeably increasing every year.

During the final ceremony, presented by Dario De Toffoli, was also present Furio Honsell, president of GioNa (Italian association for cities that promote games). The awaited and exciting final live voting of the jury was led by Dario Zaccariotto.

As always, the work of the international jury (led by Dario De Toffoli) has been remarkable: Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi (ThunderGryph, Spain), Michael and Bob Bruinsma (999 games, Netherlands), Bernd and Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany), Stefano De Carolis (Giochi Uniti, Italy), Thomas Cauet (Asmodée, France), Silvio De Pecher (Tana dei Goblin, Italy), Ulrich Fonrobert (Queen Games, Germany), Hermann Hutter (HUCH!, Germany), Simone Luciani (Cranio Creations, Italy), Wolfgang Lüdtke (Kosmos, Germany), Uwe Molter and Holger Grimm (Amigo, Germany), Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany), Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany), Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria), Albrecht Werstein (Game Factory, Germany).

Fundamental and important the work done by the staff of studiogiochi, who took care of planning, set up, media, comunication and graphics (Francesca Bortolato, Federico Colovini, Giulia Franceschini, Cristiana Giuriato, Camilla Manfren, Giorgia Marchesin, Andrea Marton, Piero Modolo, Rossana Nardo and Massimo Salvador), with the help of Fabrizio Berger and Mirko Tonini.

Premio Archimede 2018 – Ranking

by Gian Andrea Cappuzzo

2nd place
by Marcello Bertocchi

3rd place
by Alessandro Dentis

4th place
by Gabriele Bubola

5th place
by Nestore Mangone

6th place
Conclave X by Felix Bernat Juliàn

7th place
Sunshine & Showers by Gabriele Bubola
Lettere di Marca by Cielo d’Oro

9th place
by Walter Obert

10th place
U.S. Vote Dry
by Geordie Cassamagnaga
La Piramide di Micerino by Davide Zago

12th place
by David Zanotto

13th place
Repubbliche Marinare by Matteo Sassi

Special Prize Cartamundi
Conclave X by Felix Bernat Julian 
for the best card game

Special Prize “Sebastiano Izzo”
Le Cinque Torri by Agostino Recchia
to the game that would have been appreciated by Sebastiano Izzo, beloved “games buddy” that we like to remember on every edition

Special Prize IDG
JAP  by Gian Andrea Cappuzzo
for the best game entirely created by a non professional game author (an author that never published one of his games yet)

Special Prize AIG
JAP  by Gian Andrea Cappuzzo
for the most orginal game mechanic

Special Prize Scienza e gioco
Scie Chimiche by Mirko Baldicchi
for the best game with learning purpose, concerning scientific issues

Special Prize Fotonica in gioco
Stop Climate Change by the students of 5G
(Liceo Scientifico G. Gandini, Lodi)

for the best game created by students of Italian secondary school concerning scientific theme “Transformations: how things change”</p>

We would like to thank all of those who, in a way or another, helped with the realization of this event:

Schedule for the award ceremony of Premio Archimede 2018

Saturday, September 29th, 2018

Download the schedule >

10:00 – 13:00
General information

that make it through the final phase of the contest

that did NOT make it through the final phase of the contest (by reservation only)

for the authors of the games that did NOT make it through the final phase of the contest (by reservation only)

14:00 – 16:00 

• Introduction by the president Dario De Toffoli
• Speech by Comune di Venezia
• Speech by Furio Honsell, president of GioNa
• Fabio Chiarello, Roberta Ramponi, CNR:
Fotonica in Gioco Award and Special Award Scienza e Gioco
• Sebastiano Izzo Award
• Live voting and ballots
• Prizegiving

16:00 – 19:00 

for the authors of the games that make it through the final phase of the contest (by reservation only)

17:00 – 19:00 

that make it through the final phase of the contest (by reservation only, collection will be available in the secretaryship only, after exhibition dismantlement) about ten different countries

September 2018

The “long-list” has been comunicated during the event IdeaG Nord-estin Udine at the City Toy Library last September 1st, with the aiding organization of the association Coccinelle Rosa.

Here is the facebook video of the whole presentation>

The final ceremony will take place in Venice at the San Leonardo Hall (Rio Terrà San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1584) on September 29th. The international jury, representing the major game publishing houses worldwide, will vote live!

The schedule of the day will be comunicated soon.

September 2018

It is official, the registered games at the Premio Archimede 2018 are 158, the second biggest edition ever!

This time games came from all across the world, from about ten different countries (Japan, Israel and Argentina among them!). A great job is awaiting the selection jury lead by Leo Colovini: about one game out of three will make it to the final, being part of the so called “great list”.
As far as the playing tests of the selection jury are going, it is not easy to take decisions. Some quite good games will need to be left out. It is obvious that the quality of the registered games keeps rising throughout the years!


Also Cranio Creations, ThunderGryph and Game Factory are now supporting Premio Archimede 2018! Other publishers that are supporting us:

999gamesAmigoAsmodeeCartamundiGiochi UnitiHans im GlückHUCH!KosmosOliphantePiatnik, Pegasus, Queen games and Ravensburger.

The final jury is composed of:

Dario De Toffoli (president, Italy)

Dario De Toffoli was born in Venice in 1953. He first entered in contact with the gaming world in the early Eighties, and his life has never been the same since.
Bit by bit he abandoned his career as a chemist and begun working on all aspects (competitive, technical and cultural) surrounding all kinds of games: Board games, card games, puzzles, brainteasers, mathematical games

This newfound interest is what motivated him to found studiogiochi in 1987.

Dario De Toffoli is

  • studiogiochi’s founder
  • a freelance journalist, writer and game author
  • the director of the Italian Games Archive in Udine
  • decorated from the PLDA with a special Career Prize “Ludic personality” in 2007
  • awarded with the Best of Show Career Prize, Lucca Comics and Games 2017
  • Pentamind World Champion of 2002 and 2012

Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi (ThunderGryph, Spain)

Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi is a passionate gamer and game designer that joined the gaming industry in 2007 working as a video game publisher. Gonzalo grow up back and forth from Italy to Peru and he moved back definitely to Rome in his adulthood to attend to La Sapienza university. Now he is living between Rome and Sevilla, a city he fell in love with.
Since 2014 he has been developing the business side of ThunderGryph with the aim to develop and publish board games.
With nearly one year from launch, ThunderGryph’s counts three published games and seven new titles coming in 2017-2018.

Michael Bruinsma (999 games, The Netherlands)

My name is Michael Bruinsma, and I was born in 1952 in The Netherlands to a Dutch father and an English mother. In my early life I lived in The Neteherlands, but also in New Guinea, Paris, Spain and Italy in the vicinity of La Spezia. From an early age I played games like Monopoly, Stratego, Risk and others, and later I discovered more elaborate games during my travels. In 1981 I started collecting Avalon Hill and other games, and by 1986 I became a member of Ducosim, a games club dedicated to imported war-, fantasy and other games. In 1990 I visited the Neurenberg Toy Fair and met Mr. Bernd Brunnhofer from Hans Im Glueck Verlag, whom I asked for a representation. I was particularly interested in his railwaygame “1835”, of which I bought 120 copies to sell in The Netherlands. I did not manage to sell it to retail in large quantities, and decided to operate as a mailorder company. I invested the few guilders I had in imported games, mostly from America, and started off. It worked! I went to many games conventions and acted as a market salesman. I even went to Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Antwerp regularly, and reinvested every penny I made so as to build up a wide selection of games and accessories. In 1992 I visited GenCon in Milwaukee, and bought a few roleplaying books from a small outfit called Wizards of the Coast. So, in 1993, I became their representative in Holland for the hugely successful Magic: the Gathering. In 1998 I started publishing boardgames and later cardgames. This was another breakthrough: I had found a huge gap in the market. In 1999 the Pokemon collectible cardgame hit the market and suddenly everything grew out of proportion. The fun was over but the business was great. Now, I lead a dedicated team of 30 specialists and we supply the BeNeLux with wonderful products.

Bernd e Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)

Bernd Brunnhofer was born in 1946 near Graz in Austria. He came to Germany in the 60s, studied Sociology and was later a university lecturer. He founded Hans im Glück in 1983 together with Karl-Heinz Schmiel, when they published the small handcrafted game Dodge City. The first games were no big success until in 1991 the breakthrough came with Drunter und Drüber by Klaus Teuber. It was the first german game of the year from a small company and 1994 followed Manhattan by Andreas Seyfarth and 1996 El Grande by Wolfgang Kramer and Richard Ulrich. At least since that time Hans im Glück was a well known in german households.  2001 another milestone came with the worldwide success of Carcassonne by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede. Especially the finetuning of the game by Bernd Brunnhofer was part of that success and every player in world knows today the cute meeple, which was designed by Bernd Brunnhofer. With Thurn und Taxis by Andreas Seyfarth in 2006 and Dominion by Donald Vaccarino in 2009 Hans im Glück won two more games of the year in Germany. Bernd Brunnhofer also is a great game designer himself. His games Sankt Petersburg and Stone Age are well known and popular in the gamers scene. And perhaps he’s just working on the next big thing…

Thomas Cauet (Asmodée, France)

Born in 1977, Thomas leaves in Paris, France. He began his professional life as a software engineer while working part-time for Ystari Games. He is now working full time for Ystari Games, then Space Cowboys, developping games for the Asmodée group. He is co-author of one game (Nefertiti – Matagot) and several scenarios for the Unlock! series. He is also juror for the FLIP (Parthenay festival).

Stefano De Carolis (Giochi Uniti, Italy)

Stefano literally grew up in games, being his father one of the greatest game collectors in the world. He was destined for a career in games, and is now strategic planner for the international game publisher Giochi Uniti(CarcassoneSettlers of Catan). Playing together with Stefano you may experience his dialectics, he also studied international relations actually, a specialization that tourned out to be very useful in his job for Giochi Uniti. So if you ever happen to presuade him to publish one of your games remember this may not be so easy…

Silvio De Pecher (La Tana dei Goblin, Italy)

I begun to play when I was 10, and going to England I bought the game Bitzkrieg. I learned the rules and found only a few friends to play with… The passion for games went on anyway with D&D, and during my University years I played games from the Games Workshop, such as TalismanBlind Justice, Merchant of Venus and Cosmic Encounters, which is I believe still my favourite game. In 1995, during the first Italian Internet experiences, I put on the first website about games, “giochi-on-line”. Both “Lobo” and “The Goblin” were part of it, and so in 2007 “La tana del Goblin” was born, to include all the people who love games. I traveled a lot and had the opportunity to be part of very many important game events: Origins, where I met Andreas Seyfarth, Gen Con, ComiCon… I have been invited by Alan Moon as first Italian to the Gathering of Friends, I have been invited as jury member for many games competitions, first of all the Premio Archimede, which has become a real springboard for Italian authors. I am not only crazy about german games, in fact I also love the american style in which hazard can change everything in a moment.

Ulrich Fonrobert (Queen Games, Germany)

Ulrich Fonrobert is born in northern Germany in 1967. Games have been with him since he was a child, with his father teaching him the rules of classics like Chess, Skat and Doppelkopf.
He has been collecting games since at least 1979. He joined the German armed forces in 1986, where he used to play dice games with his comrades during otherwise boring evenings. Settlers of Catan and El Grande are two of his (many) favourite games.
In Kiel he found his first permanent gaming group with whom he got part in various board gaming tournaments and championships around Germany. So he met people like Christwart Conrad and Ralph Bruhn, and with their help he became part of Family Games in 2006 and additionally did work for Hall9000 as a reviewer for a short while.
In 2007 he entered in Queen Games, where he is now one of the company’s product managers, tasked with finding the most promising newcomers and novelties to the ever-changing market of board games. After attending GenCon twice and BGG.con five times he is now very much looking forward to whatever Premio Archimede might hold in store for him!

Hermann Hutter (HUCH!, Germany)

Hermann Hutter has founded the distribution company Hutter Trade in 2004. Since then, the company has become established as an integral part of the game world. With its own brand HUCH! and innovative educational and leisure games, communication games with lifestyle character, and strategy games from foreign partner publishers, Hutter Trade has created its own distinctive profile.
Publishing games is a big passion for Hermann. Numerous awards – such as the “Toy Award 2008,” the “Children’s Game of the Year 2007,” and the “German Game Prize 2006” – provide evidence of the company’s success. Led by the joy of playing, creativity and design and an interest in new trends, HUCH! creates game innovations that provide long-lasting fun! Hermann Hutter is a very experienced retailer and is successfully managing numerous shops.

Simone Luciani (Cranio Creations, Italy)

Born in 1977, Simone Luciani begins as player and amateur game designer.
He has taken part many times in the Archimede contest, which he won two times, with Portobello Road (best card game in 2008 and his first creation to be published – by Piatnik as Frutti di mare – ) and Marco Polo, Premio Archimede 2012, then published by Hans in Glück and winner of the Deutscher Spiele Preis.
In 2013 Simone began to work with the Italian publisher Cranio Creations where he has now the main role in selecting and developing games. In 2015 Simone left his teaching career (that lasted over 15 years) to be a full-time game designer.

Wolfgang Lüdtke (Kosmos, Germany)

Wolfgang became passionate about games as a reviewer and collector. But when Peter Neugebauer introduced him to the game designer Klaus Teuber and his wife Claudia (almost 30 years ago), the encounter turned into a special friendship, and from then on Wolfgang has been actively involved in the development of new games at an early stage.
Wolfgang’s career as an editor began when he joined the new company TM-Spiele GmbH, which soon enough began to focus on consultancy for other game publishers.
He has edited games published under the Goldsieber label and by KOSMOS until 2013.
Wolfgang regards his ability to recognize whether a prototype has the potential of becoming a good game as one of his strenghts. As an editor at KOSMOS, he continues to take care of part of the family and adult games, and he also continues to be actively involved in the development of games at an early stage.

Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)

The play or games enriches my life ever since my studies in the 1970s. In my educational degree I specialized in game education. As game educationalist, I have worked in the children’s home, in school and in adult education. I founded an educational game publishing house in Cologne and was owner of a game store that still exists today in Cologne as well. Since 25 years I work as a games editor. First I was in the editor staff of the publisher Ravensburger and then in the publishing house of Amigo Spiel + Freizeit, Dietzenbach until now.

Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany)

Klaus Ottmaier was born 1977 in Vienna. Perhaps he played games before he was able to speak… After school he studied Genetics. 2000 he moved to Cologne where he became a bookseller and a happy father of two sons. This was the time when he started to work on games in a professional way – he became the editor of the small publisher Argentum Verlag. In 2012 he got the great opportunity to work for Pegasus Spiele what he does as the head of publishing till now.

Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)

Ravensburger Spieleverlag; editorial head of family and adult games.
Had a very happy childhood surrounded by Ravensburger games. Would have been even happier being told that his job as grown up would be still playing games but even getting paid for it.

After studies law and history (one of those was very boring) he started working for Ravensburger in 2005.

Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)

Great-grandson of the founder of Piatnik, he is working at the company since 1983. He is Chief Executive Officer since April 1995.

Albrecht Werstein (Game Factory, Germany)

Albrecht Werstein is a former game designer and has been publishing games for over 25 years. He has been responsible for more than 250 game releases by the Zoch Verlag, two of which have earned the title “Spiel des Jahres” (Niagara and Villa Paletti) and three of which won the “Kinderspiel des Jahres” award (Zicke Zacke – Da ist der Wurm drin – Spinderella).
Now he works for the innovative Game Factory, and he is very much looking forward to this year’s Premio Archimede designs!

As in the past editions, there will be two separate juries.

• the selection jury will assign special awards, choose the games admitted to the final and choose the finalists.

• the final jury will vote in front of the public, during the final ceremony, deciding the winners of Premio Archimede.
Also card games will be judged separately by the final jury, with the help of Ileana Xodo from Cartamundi Italia and Luc Mertens, expert in card games. The winner will be awarded the Cartamundi Special Trophy.

At the moment, selection jury is composed of:

Leo Colovini (president)

Born in Venice in 1964, Leo Colovini begins his ludic adventure at about 12 when he meets Alex Randolph, playing chess in a club of Venice. Passionate about games  since ever, he is really struck by the “Master”, and becomes a goer of Randolph’s office. He takes part to the game tests with enthusiasm and never misses a single occasion to show Alex his naive and odd ideas. As time goes by, his ideas start to refine themselves and Leo finally presents to the severe judgement of his “Master” an interesting mechanism for a game, but, even if Randolph tries more than once to put his hands on it, the game doesn’t make it to be published. After one year they realize together Drachenfels, which is Leo’s first published game (Schmidt Spiele).  Two years later (1988), again in collaboration with Randolph, it is the time of Inkognito, published by MB, a great success (part of the list of Spiel des Jahres, and winner of the Sonderpreis – the special prize of the critics).  After several years Piatnik publishes Die Magische Sieben the first game signed by Colovini as a unique author. In 1993 he signs, together with Dario De Toffoli, Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello, the Role Playing Game Lex Arcana (Dal Negro). In 1993 he definitely leaves his job in the bank and begins to work full time for games. In 1994 Die Oster Insel is published by Blatz Spiele: this game also enters in the list of Spiel des Jahres. In the following years, the works with Dario De Toffoli increase until together with Alex Randolph they found Venice Connection. After several years he gets a history degree with a game-thesis about Charlemagne, and many of his games are published: Carolus Magnus in 2000 and Clans in 2003 (Winning Moves) that almost win the Spiel del Jahres by getting one of the three nominations. With his game Leo muss zum Friseur he wins the Deutscher Kinderspiele Preis 2016, gets very close to the victory of the Kinderspiel des Jahres 2016 (being among the three nominated games) and wins the Spiele Hit für Kinder 2016.

Giuseppe Baggio

One of the best Shogi italian players, he is really passionate about all games created by Alex Randolph. Giuseppe Baggio loves abstract boardgames, but he always enjoys playing any other kind of game.
Well, he loves to play and for this reason he became member of the Premio Archimede Jury.
With studiogiochi he contributed to the realization of the chapters about Shogi (japanese chess), the ones about heterodox chess for the book Il grande libro degli scacchi and he helped out in the proof-reading of many headwords of the Enciclopedia dei giochi by Giampaolo Dossena.

Federico Colovini

Son of Leo Colovini, never get tired playing games and trying to create new odd game systems that he regularly submit to his father’s severe judgement.
Wikinder, published by Clementoni, is based on Federico’s idea.
Despite the long beard, he still hasn’t decided what to do as a grown-up. Maybe an Egyptologist. Maybe a Brewer. Or maybe he will keep on playtesting and editing here in studiogiochi. And if he gets a headache while trying to conjugate his three passions… he goes away for some days and loosens up playing some LARP.

Mauro Gaffo

Coming from classic studies in high school and Physics in the university, Mauro Gaffo researches for his duties first in science fiction (working for the publisher company Nord by taking care of some book series and then as translator) and after by divulging science: in 1992 he starts to work for Focus as a journalist, and in 2000 he becomes vice president of the same magazine. In 2005 he creates Focus Giochi, an innovating magazine about “games for the brain” which makes him win in 2006 the prize as ludic personality of the year. Starting form that moment he deals more and more with games, organizing for example the “Campionato della Mente” and being part of the jury for the Premio Archimede for three times. In 2013, careless about his age, he starts a new life becoming part of studiogiochi… where he discoveres that he still has a lot to learn.

Piero Modolo

Piero Modolo was born in 1991. He is passionate about every type of games (from boardgames to videogames) but, particularly, of trading card games (before Yu-Gi-Oh!, now Gwent online has become his favourite game).
He graduated in philosophy in Venice, and after the positive experience with Premio Archimede 2016 he entered as a member of the preselection jury of the contest, with the responsability to connect the games (and their authors) with italian and international jurors.
He is on the front line when there is the need to test new games and works in many projects of the studio.

Umberto Rosin

President and co-founder of La Tana dei Goblin Venezia – the most important local gaming association – Umberto organizes gaming events, conventions and tournments attending the most important international kermesse in the field. With his Ph.D. he organized and took part to conferences with board games as a topic, in Lucca, Ferrara and Venice. He knows very well Euro-style board games but has a great expertise also in traditional and collectible card games, war games, role playing games, party games and the classics.

Dario Zaccariotto

Born in Dolo (near Venice) in 1968, he has a playful childhood.
In the beginning of the 80’s he gets in touch with the association MultigiocoClub from Mestre, and immediately becomes their “mascot”, being the youngest of the group. He is called from everybody Darietto [little Dario], in order not to get mixed up with the other Dario, “Darione” [big Dario] De Toffoli. Since he has a daughter, many friends call him Zack, but some nostalic ones still call him with the first nickname.
Beeing in touch with De Toffoli becomes a lasting status, and gradually he starts to collaborate with studiogiochi: he runs tournaments, develops boardgames and produces puzzles and other games for the press.
The big jump happens during the editions of the Italian Game Festival: he is responsible for some entire sections. Starting from that moment “Darietto” really understands what he wants to do once he grows up and soon he gets the chance to cross the great sea that separates “saying” from “doing”.
All the rest is topicality: he writes books and collaborates in the creation of games, and especially has a great pleasure presenting new puzzles to people, especially logic and numeric ones.
Suddenly one day he surprises everybody that sees him as a cold  calculator by winning an international poetry competition (www.centrostudivignola.it), with his first and last verses ever written.

Alessandro Zucchini

He begun as a child with D&D, but in the beginning of the new Millennium he fell in love with the german style boardgames, a completely new world to him.
Hanging out with the “con” he met the most important italian designers, but Carlo Rossi was the man that made him discover his abilities as an author. Together they started a profitable collaboration that became “Cogito”, in which also Alfredo Berni took part.
Thanks to the brilliant games presented to the Premio Archimede, Cogito  begun to work together with studiogiochi, officially becoming part of the society in 2006.
Anyway our “Pepperoni” (oops, sorry, I meant Zucchini)  is by now an appreciated author; editions of his games have been published in different languages, and his new interesting projects are “work in progress”.

Both juries enjoy help and suggestions of F. Bortolato, F. Colovini, G. Franceschini, C. Giuriato, C. Manfren, G. Marchesin, R. Nardo and other selected playtesters.


PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2018, organized by studiogiochi, concerns the invention of unpublished boardgames.

The Prize, dedicated to the great Alex Randolph, who was its president during the first seven editions, made the wishes of more than 30 authors come true thanks to the pubblication of their games.
Everybody can participate (single or group), there are no age nor nationality limits.
The Competition is patronised by the City of Venice and is part of a series of cultural events dedicated to games, also as prevention against gambling disorder. The Prize is recognized by SAZ (Spiele-Autoren-Zunft), the international association of board-game designers, which reunites more than 400
members from 19 different countries.

The final ceremony will take place in Sala San Leonardo, in Veniceon September 29th, 2018.

In this occasion there will be an exhibition of the games in the final. The Musée Suisse du Jeu will organize an exhibition of the winning games.

The Prize is also recognized by PlayRes, by UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) and by GioNa (Associazione Nazionale delle Città in Gioco) for its social and cultural value, and its capacity of aggregation and inclusion; it is in fact a ludic and recreational activity that promotes the right of playing for any person and for any age. Thanks to the support of the participating publishers (as for now, we have the confirmed participation of 999gamesAmigoAsmodeeCartamundiCranio CreationsGiochi UnitiHans im GlückHuch! & friendsKosmosOliphantePegasusPiatnikQueen GamesRavensburgerThunderGryph while others are still perfecting their adhesion), winners will be given an advance of 3500 euros on their games’ future royalties.

Besides the Archimede Prize, the jury will assign the Special Recognition Sebastiano Izzo and many other categorybound awards, such as:
• Cartamundi Special Trophy for the best card game. Thanks to the support from Cartamundi, an advance of 500 euros will be given on the best card game’s future royalties.
• IDG Special Trophy (Inventori Di Giochi) for the best game entirely created by an author who never published a game before. In case of a prototype with more than one author, all of them must be never published authors. The winner will have the right to a free table during one of the next IdeaG events.
• AIG Special Trophy (Autori In Gioco) for the game with the most innovative mechanics. The winner will have the right to a free table during one of the next AIG events.
• Trofeo Speciale Scienza in Gioco, for the best science-themed game, whith divulgative and educational aspects, assigned by the Photonic and Nanotechnology Institute of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IFN – CNR). Moreover IFN-CNR will organize the second edition of Fotonica in Gioco. The competition is dedicated to all students from Italian secondary and high schools and focuses on the production of an original game with didactic or divulgative aspects (www.fotonicaingioco.it). The final ceremony will take place during the finals of Premio Archimede and will host the classes that produced the best three projects.

To participate send your prototype within 31/05/2018 to:
c/o studiogiochi
San Polo 3083 – 30125 VENEZIA

Each prototype must be attached with the participation form, signed and compiled. In addition to that, authors are required to pay a participation fee of 30€ for each game registered during 2017 or 35€ for each game registered during 2018, in these two possible ways:
1) paypal to info@studiogiochi.com.
2) bank transfer (IBAN DE09 3605 0105 0003 7001 84 BIC SPESDE3E).
SAZ members and participants of IdeaG and AIG events may ask to their associations a voucher to get a discount of 5€.
Besides sending the physical prototype, authors must send a photo of the prototype and the rules in PDF format, by mailing to info@studiogiochi.com
Eventual custom fees have to be refunded by authors, otherwise the game won’t be registered.
studiogiochi will have the right of first refusal on the finalist games (see the participation form).
There will be a participation certificate for each admitted game, to witness and certify the presentation of the game in that particular date.

All the games will need the requirements below. Without these they won’t be admitted to the final:

The game
– Has to be original and unpublished.
– Can’t last roughly more than 90 minutes.

The prototype
– All game components, including the game board, must be inside a rigid cardboard box. The box should be easy to open and close. It should be easy to transport: it is better to avoid too big or too heavy boxes (the ideal measures of a boardgame box are 40x30x10 cm).
– It should be functional: the jury has to be able to play it with ease. Pawns must stand well, spaces must be big enough, cards not too thin, colours easy to identify, and so on.
– The game should not depend on its language. If text is necessary it is recommended to use english, so that the jury is able to play it indipendently.
– It’s not necessary for the game to be final-quality, the graphic aspect is subordinate to the game’s functionality.
– Game pieces have to be wrapped separately in order to make it easy to get ready for the game.
– The organization is not responsible for any loss or damage of the prototype during the event.
Authors will be able to get back their prototypes at the end of the final ceremony; all non-collected prototypes won’t be sent back (unlessspecific arrangements are taken with our information office, within a month after the final, shipment paid by the authors). The finalist prototypes and those awarded by special prizes won’t be given back.
– On the box and on the rules there must be the name of the game, the number of players, the name and surname of any author, their full address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

The rules
– have to be written in the author’s mother tongue, and translated into English (the translation is optional for Italian authors).
– can’t exceed roughly 10.000 characters.
– must be clear to understand and complete (number of players, contents, aim of the game, etc..). It is advisable to use examples and figures. Before you send the game, let it be played by testers who learn the game ONLY by reading the rules (with no extra explanations). If the jury won’t be able to understand the rules, they won’t be able to test it or they will play it the wrong way. This way they won’t be able to judge the game correctly.

www.spielmaterial.de offers a 20% discount to any author participating in the Premio Archimede. Take this chance to realize your prototype in a professional way. Please contact the Premio Archimede info office to receive the discount code

The jury, the criteria and procedures for the selection of the games
There will be two separate juries. During the first part of the competition only the selection jury will be working. At the moment, the jury is composed by:
• Leo Colovini (president)
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Mauro Gaffo
• Dario Zaccariotto
• Umberto Rosin
• Alessandro Zucchini
• Federico Colovini
• Piero Modolo

The selection jury will carefully study all game rules, dividing them among its members.
• During the jury meetings each member explains to the others the rules he read. Each game will be played by at least two of the selection jury members. If during playing the game is judged as not appropriate, its playing can be interrupted before the end of the game.
• The jury will evaluate each game on the basis of the following criteria (ordered by importance):
– Originality of the game’s mechanics.
– Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanics.
– Amusement.
– Publishing potential, which is the possibility that the game will be taken into consideration by any publisher.
– Theme coherence.
– Quality of the prototype.
• Roughly a month before the final ceremony, the jury will reveal a Grossa-lista, which is the list of the games considered to be worth the exposition (more or less 50% of the registered games).
• Finally, the jury will select a Fina-lista (composed of around 15/20 titles), which will be presented to the final jury.

The final jury is composed at the moment by:
• Dario De Toffoli (president)
• Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi (ThunderGryph, Spain)
• Michael Bruinsma (999 games, Netherlands)
• Bernd & Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
• Stefano De Carolis (Giochi Uniti, Italy)
• Cyril Demaegd (Asmodée, France)
• Silvio De Pecher (Tana dei Goblin, Italy)
• Ulrich Fonrobert (Queen Games, Germany)
• Hermann Hutter (Huch! & friends, Germany)
• Simone Luciani (Cranio Creations)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany)
• Barbara Schmidts (Kosmos, Germany)
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)

One week before the day of the final ceremony, each juror will play each finalist game, secretly noting his impressions and selecting his 7 favourite games. During the final, live, in front of the audience, each juror will secretly give 7 points to his favourite game, 6 to the second, and so on. Votes will be immediately counted and the final ranking of each game will depend exclusively on the amount of points received.
The selection jury will also choose the best card games, indifferently if they are or not among the finalists. These games will be judged separately by the final jury, with the help of Ileana Xodo from Cartamundi Italia and Luc Mertens, expert in card games. All members will award 3 points to their favourite, 2 to the second and 1 to the third. The winner will be awarded the Cartamundi Special Trophy.
Both juries will enjoy the help and suggestions of F. Bortolato, F. Colovini, G. Franceschini, C. Giuriato, C. Manfren, G. Marchesin, P. Modolo, R. Nardo and of selected playtesters.



On saturday 1st of september Leo Colovini revealed the long-list during IdeaG Nord-Est, in Udine’s Toy Library.

Premio Archimede 2018 saw the partecipation of 158 prototypes, a really big number! For this reason, the selection jury decided to enlarge the long-list to the first 81 games. It has been difficult to choose the games that would have make through to the second part of the contest: many of the games that didn’t make the cut reache a good enough score, and the jury needed to play some more times, so to have a clearer idea and grant the best choice.
But for those who have not be selected it’s not finished yet: we invite them (and not only them, obviously) to the final ceremony of Premio Archimede 2018, that will be held on the 29th September in Venice. It will be a precious day to share thoughts and experiences, for both veterans and newcomers in the game design world!

Below the games that entered the long-list, the final stage of Premio Archimede 2018 (alphabetical order):

3 e 3 Agostino Recchia
Antropocene Ites Alberto Pitentino 2^B
Arsenal Carlo Rigo – Joshua Pellegrinotti
Astabeto Furio Ferri – Agostino Zara
Atoms in Action Gualtiero Grassucci e classe 3^ E Liceo Sc. G. B. Grassi
Barbanera Alberto Colombo
Behind Bars Stefan Schroder – Christian Braumuller – Fabio Franchini – Marcus Wagner – Bardhi Hysenaj – Besart Hysenaj
Beyon Francesco Carbone
Blood Race Carlo Rigon
Bononia Gabriele Bubola
Castori Teodoro Mitidieri
ClockWork Marco Guidara
Conclave X Felix Bernat Juliàn
Conestoga Walter Obert
Cuirm Claudio Oliviero – Serena Marina Marengo
Demodè Gastone Pietro Rosati Papini
Die Hanse Alessandro Saragosa
Diggin’ Klondike Michele Bortolotti – Andrea Lasta
Digging Dwarves (Dragon’s Lair) Alessandro Dentis
Domatori in confusione – Tamers in the Mess Carlo Camarotto
Dragons vs Castles Diego Allegrini
Eurotracks Francesco Frittelli
FeudaLink Marcello Bertocchi
Fuga con il Tesoro Lorenzo Amadio – Martina Tardivo
Full Metal Penguin Marco Guidara – Fabrizio Tronchin
Galaxia, l’Alba di una Nuova Luce Gualtiero Grassucci e classe 3^ E Liceo Sc. G. B. Grassi
Gondola Never Sink Hiroaki Ota
Happy Birthday Mauro Vettori
Heroes League Andrea Rughi
I Tesori del Tempo Francesco Calvi
Il Piccolo Regno Eric Orel
Islands Alessandro Saragosa
JAP Just Another Pirate Game Gian Andrea Cappuzzo
Klondike – La corsa verso la Ricchezza Maurizio Buso – Roberto Ortolan
Kreuzenfeld Ivan Gariboldi
Kubar Giuseppe Di Giovanni – Fabrizio Mattei
La casa dell’orrore Fabrizio Tronchin
La Piramide di Micerino Davide Zago
La Riffa delle Streghe Alessandro Morandini
Labora! Giovanni Franceschelli
Las siete maravillas Oscar Matias Michelan
Le 1001 Notte – I Costruttori di Baghdad Eric Orel
Le 5 Torri Agostino Recchia
Lettere di Marca Cielo d’Oro
Lokum Roger Brunet Espinoza – Maria Castellvi Barnes
Maleficent Marco Piola Caselli
Maluku Marco Pozzi
My House Daniele Giusto
Nagi Furio Ferri
Natural Born Lagos Ivan Gariboldi
Nebbia di Guerra Silvano Bianchini
News for Germany Tommaso Loss – Enrico Beraldo
Nimrod Alberto Menoncin
Nonoja Alessandro Castello – Giovanna Tomiello
Parole Primarie Davide Carcelli
Pecore Giovanni Pettinotti
Pentamo Rolph Haefelfinger
Per Fama e Gloria Maurizio Maddalena
Pollice Verso Pietro Vozzolo
Printing Tales Lorenzo Castelli
Qoobeland Alessandro Dentis
Remondini, ovvero i Mercanti di Stampe Proibite Maurizio Buso – Roberto Ortolan
Repubbliche Marinare Matteo Sassi
Scie Chimiche Mirko Baldicchi
Slim Green Fabrizio Mattei – Giuseppe Di Giovanni
Smart Shark Alessia Luca – Tino Dessi – Andrea Piano – Andrea Salidu
Spirits of Cripple Town Marco Cuoghi – Nicola Brunello
Spit Roc – Scala la Montagna Paolo Marino
Stonehenge Nestore Mangone
STOP Climate Change Liceo Scientifico G. Gandini 5^ G
Sunshine & Showers Gabriele Bubola
The Boogeyman Gabriele Bubola
The Mind Wizard Richard De Rijk
Too Late Antonio Scrittore
Triiisca Francesco Timo – Francesco Angileri
U.S. Vote Dry – Una Nazione di Delinquenti Geordie Cassamagnaga
Vocal Game Nazareno Signoretto
Volleycards Francesco Frittelli
We Pirates Bruno Sparpaglione – Climt Bosi – Roberto Fadigati
Wood Escape Nicola Zucca
Zoo David Zanotto







Playlist with the 7 videos of the final ceremony of Premio Archimede 2018:
1 – Introduction by Dario De Toffoli
2 – Speech by Furio Honsell
3 – Fabio Chiarello (CNR) Special Prizes Fotonica in Gioco and Scienza in Gioco
4 – Special Prizes Sebastiano Izzo and Autori in Gioco
5 – Presentation of the Internazional Jury and Voting
6 – Results and winner
7 – Prize ceremony and Conclusion


Playlist with some interviews from Premio Archimede 2018:
Bernd Brunnhofer – Michael Bruinsma – Thomas Cauet – Simone Luciani



Gente Veneta – 5 October 2018
Il Mattino di Padova – 1 October 2018
La Nuova Venezia –  29 September 2018


Also this year the Musée Suisse du Jeu (Suiss Museum of games) organized an exhibition dedicated to the Premio Archimede’s games.

The awarded prototypes are shown as well as those who have excelled during the 2018 edition and the selected games for Trofeo Speciale Scienza in Gioco (the best science-themed game),  assigned by the Photonic and Nanotechnology Institute of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IFN – CNR) . Moreover, the exhibition shows some games of the previous editions which in the meantime have been published.

Here below, some pictures of the Exhibition.