Presentation of the book Il manuale dei giochi di tavoliere

Presentation of the book
(The handbook of board games)
by Marino Carpignano
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2023 6 p.m.
“V. Joppi” Civic Library of Udine
Sala Corgnali – Riva Bartolini, 5
For the occasion, a number of handcrafted reproductions of ancient boards will be on exhibit, curated by LudenDO●DOcere
Marino Carpignano, an expert promoter of games, particularly abstract games, has been running the leading Italian site of board games and abstract games for 20 years
Games, and live games in particular, are a tool for gathering, for knowledge, for personal growth. The handshake before a live game is like the curtain opening at the theater, like the maestro’s baton on the score: the beginning of a dialogue, of a playful, theatrical and even musical confrontation (in English we translate all this as “play”), which cannot be reproduced in front of a screen or a mobile device…