20 March 2024
The now traditional online MSO Grand Prix has come to an end.
This time I took part in very few competitions and with little interest, I don’t know, maybe I don’t like the formula too much, maybe the excessive number of tournaments, maybe other commitments, maybe a bit of all that.
The fact is that almost the entire Italian team, so fierce last year, has been absent this time.
Only one player held up the ex-squadron, the outstanding Marino Carpignano, who by himself earned 12 medals, 5 Gold, 7 Silver and 1 Bronze… while all the others combined, myself included, did not go beyond 4 miserable bronze medals.
Well, we will try to make up for it this summer in the live edition (which comes with problems due to the international situation) or maybe at the next Grand Prix.
In the TAB ‘Italian medals’ all our podiums.
On the official website all the results: https://mindsportsolympiad.com/
Well, that’s it for this year, be happy!
Dario De Toffoli
5 February 2024
The schedule is certainly a big one!
But I personally will be doing very little with it this time, both because of family commitments and perhaps also because I am less interested in playing online. A few poker tournaments and – perhaps – a couple of backgammon ones.
Then there is this ‘premier’ Grand Prix formula that is not one of my favourites.
In short, the goal is simply to increase the medal table with at least one more prize… I’d hate to leave a gap in the wall!
Dario De Toffoli
1 Yat Hin Yorkson Cheung
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Bernd Radmacher
Backgammon Hyper
1 Cristian Ghena
2 Florin Popa
3 Antonio Anelli
3 Marco Conte
Draughts Breakthrough
1 Marino Carpignano
2 Mantas Janavicius
3 Pavel Noga
Draughts (Russian)
1 Mantas Janavicius
2 Sergey Kuropatov
3 Marino Carpignano
Draughts Frisian
1 Marino Carpignano
2 Malte Schulz
3 Pavel Noga
Draughts Frysk!
1 Marino Carpignano
2 Mantas Janavicius
3 Miroslav Voracek
Draughts International
1 Mantas Janavicius
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Sergey Kuropatov
Draughts GP Championship
1 Mantas Janavicius
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Sergey Kuropatov
Draughts Premier 2
1 Sergey Kuropatov
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Miroslav Voracek
Go-moku Pente
1 Wawrzyniec Andrzejewski
1 Marino Carpignano
3 Igor Eged
1 Eugen Konkov
2 Bored game buddies
3 Francesco Salerno
1 Nicolas Wittmann
2 Terry Chan
3 Giacomo Frassoldati
Lines of Action Medley
1 James Heppell
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Yuki Shibata
Pentamind: Abstract Games GP Championship
1 Yat Hin Yorkson Cheung
2 Marino Carpignano
3 Carman Tang
Poker Omaha Hi-Lo
1 Florin Popa
2 Hugo Martins Pereira
3 Dario De Toffoli
1 Marino Carpignano
2 Yat Hin Yorkson Cheung
3 Geoffrey Press