The PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 1998 goes to
Winner | GIANO by Furio Ferri |
Dal Negro Prize | VERBA GAME by Giuliano Parenti and Torquato Lo Mele |
Sebastiano Izzo Prize |
CUZCO by Andrea Maria Mainini |
Abstract strategy game Prize | SEMIRAMIDE by G. Prestigiacomo |
Fantasy Prize | LAPOPART by Vincenzo Lisena |
Family Game Prize | MAGIC MILLS by Jürgen Elias |
Aesthetics Prize | DOREMIFA’ by Monica Mariani |
Sympathy Prize | È QUI LA FESTA? by Mariagrazia Bertarini and Jorgelina Casajus |
Nomination | TRIKUBE by Luca Borsa |
Nomination | STYLOS by Luca Madini Moretti |
Nomination | ACCASTA by Dieter Stein |
Alex Randolph (president of the jury), Dario De Toffoli (owner of studiogiochi), Nicolaas Neuwahl (President of SAZ, Spiele Autoren Zunft), Luigi Iorno (for the ludotheque Città del Gioco), Ennio Peres (gamer), Andrea Angiolino (Cunsa expert) and Giuseppe Baù as secretary.
ARCHIMEDE ’98 is organized by studiogiochi and concerns the invention of board games.
Everybody that is a non professional author can participate, there are no age nor nationality limits.
The event is sponsored by the Comunità Montana del Catria e Nerone that will assign a prize of Lit. 1.000.000 for the publication of the winner game.
The president of the jury is Alex Randolph, one of the most important games author. The other members of the jury are Dario De Toffoli (owner of studiogiochi), Nicolaas Neuwahl (President of SAZ, Spiele Autoren Zunft), Luigi Iorno (for the ludotheque Città del Gioco), Ennio Peres (gamer), Andrea Angiolino (Cunsa expert) and Giuseppe Baù as secretary.
To participate send the prorotypes within the 31 of May 1998.
Only unpublished games that are not inspired by already published games will be accepted; the rules must be written in italian and english, they have to be easy to understand, complete and have to include a list of the used materials. The games should be presented in a box with the name of the author on it.
Each participating game will recieve a evaluation board and a participation diploma.
Each inventor will also recieve a copy of the book Consigli pratici per inventori di giochi e per chi volesse diventarlo by Tom Werneck.
Among the accepted games, 30 of these will be selected for the final exhibition at the Italian Games Festival of Cagli (Pesaro-Urbino) between the 24 and 27 of September; they will each have explanatories written by the jury.
The finalists will have the opportunity to present their inventions to the audience, the journalists and the invited publishers.
Also the audience will express their preferences.
Besides the Archimede Award, the jury will also assign the Special Prize Sebastiano Izzo and other Special Prizes like the Dal Negro Prize for the best card game.
The prize giving ceremony will take place on the 26th of September 5 p.m. in the Hall “Sala degli Stemmi” of the Palazzo Municipale.
The exhibition of the 30 finalist games will be shown again between October 6 and 10 ottobre in Milano at the ludotheque Città del Gioco.
The explanatories of the 30 finalists will be sent to the main italian publishers.
The prototypes should be sent to:
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE ’98 c/o studiogiochi
S. Polo 3083 – 30125 VENEZIA
For each participating game there is a fee for the secretary of Lit. 70.000(Lit. 50.000 for each other game after the first).
Games without proper boxes or without the participation fee won’t be returned.