Games and comics festival
Carrara Show is an Event dedicated to expert gamers, but also and especially families and kids: Boardgames, Videogames and Comics.
An Event in which everybody can play, have fun, each in his own way.
In the 35.000 mq area dedicated to the show, besides the games area, there are conferences, meetings, initiatives for schools and tournaments.

A completely new exhibition that explores the relationship between Movies and Games, and the many aspects that games can have.
We presented many scenes from different movies and TV Series: three big screens showed them continuosly.
On the other walls you could find comments, backgrounds and curiosities about the movies.
Eleven German producers come to Carrara Show to present their most famous board games and new releases
Though the origin of board games is lost in the mists of history, don’t think they hold a marginal role in the age of videogames: the board game industry is in fact alive and vital in the whole world and continues to be one of the most popular forms of entertainment. The first place in the ranking of European board games sales is occupied by Germany, which covers almost 17% of the market and boasts leadership in terms of invention and production of Brettspiele.
Carrara Show is therefore happy to announce Casa Germania (“The House of Germany”), a multiple large stand where eleven of the major German publishers will let the visitors play their best games, expecially those not yet distributed in Italy, with the possibility of purchase. Do not worry if you don’t speak the language of Goethe and Hesse: the rules will be translated to make the games accessible. Casa Germania is an important source of pride for the Games and Comics Festival (CarraraFiere – from May 30th to June 2nd 2015), the first and only Italian event of this sector to host German publishers.
“Wer nicht spielt, nimmt sich viel zu ernst” – “Who does not play, takes himself too seriously”.
(Motto Piatnik)
run by
A space dedicated to game authors to exchange ideas and do playtesting. There have been meetings, presentations and discussions. The area was run by Alessandro Zucchini, author of the games Walhalla, Volle Wolle and Mord in Arosa. Here below a list of some of the authors that were there:
– Spartaco Albertarelli
– Andrea Angiolino
– Tommaso Bonetti
– Flaminia Brasini
– Davide Camillò
– Luca Cazzani
– Fabio Chiarello
– Cielo d’Oro
– Leo Colovini
– Dario De Toffoli
– Alessandro Dolcetta
– Marco Donadoni
– Ciro Facciolli
– Daniele Ferri
– Manuel Fossati
– Francesco Frittelli
– Virginio Gigli
– Pietro Gorini
– Eros Manetta
– Nestore Mangone
– Paolo Mori
– Niek Neuwahl
– Walter Obert
– Angelo Porazzi
– Carlo Rossi
– Sara Rubino
– Marco Valtriani
– Albrecht Wernstein
– Alessandro Zucchini
Saturday, May 30, at 04.30 p.m. Uisp, GioNa and studiogiochi presented the meeting “Game and gambling. A talk about the problems of gambling“. Dario De Toffoli introduced and coordinated the meeting.
– Filippo Fossati, Deputy
– Fabrizio De Meo, Head of the National Policies for Uisp Socialist
– Furio Honsell, Mayor of Udine and President of GioNa
– Raffaella Basana, Councillor for Game Udine
– Daniele Montebello, Mayor of Castelnuovo Magra
– Erasmo Lesignoli and Ivan Lisanti (Uisp National Games Area)
– Paul Bands, experiences from Genova about gambling
– Maria Paola Freschi, OGAP
– Slot Mob
– With a Game, Giorgia Pandolfo and Flaminia Brasini
During the meeting there has been a presentation of the new National Law Project for Games, with Filippo Fossati. This is designed to prevent and combat gambling disorder by promoting the rich cultural and social values of the game, the one with a capital G. Who plays in a healthy way develops antibodies against the degeneration! There was a first printed version available for all the associations that deal with Games and are aganist the degeneration of gambling. They also have been called to give feedback and contributions.
presented by
A special area dedicated to many different tournaments offered by the organization and by many Associatiosn and Companies that joined the Carrara Show.
There has been used a continuos qualification formula created by studiogiochi; quailfications (max 8 players) of the different tournaments, went on continuously, as new players showed up; the winners of each qualification made it to the final, that was hold at a preannounced time.
Besides the new Think str8! (Huch! &friends), a brilliant deduction game by Leo Colovini, there was:
Ricochet Robot (Abacus) by Alex Randolph (giant boardgame)
Fantasmi (Oliphante) by Alex Randolph
Verba Volant (Giovani nel tempo) by Ennio Peres
Non c’è 2 senza 3 (Giovani nel tempo) by Leo Colovini and Carlo A. Rossi
Quarto! (Gigamic) by Blaise Muller (giant boardgame)
Tayu (Oliphante) by Niek Neuwahl (giant boardgame)
Rummikub (Ravensburger) by Ephraim Hertzano
Indovina chi? cards (Cartamundi) by Theo and Ora Coster
Pentago (Oliphante) di Tomas Flodén (giant boardgame)
One could also play the many Mind Sports Olympiad games and the Abstract Area ones… you could go crazy!
The winners of Ricochet Robot (Abacus) by Alex Randolph (giant boardgame)
Prima classificata di Think str8! (Huch! &friends) by Leo Colovini
Second and third place in Think str8! (Huch! &friends) by Leo Colovini
presented by Nicolaas Neuwahl
At the Carrara Show “Games&Design”: an exhibition of a series of internally as well as externally smart games by Nicolaas Neuwahl.
Niek Neuwhal is a Dutch game author living in Tuscany, he is one of the “bigs”, not only as a game author but also as a person, for his culture, his kindness.
Nicolaas Neuwahl – He declares himself too little intelligent to be able to concieve complex games and wonders about the fact that his games have a certain success anyway. In fact until now 49 games were published in 92 editions with 36 editors of 10 different countries. Several got international prizes. His games are mostly abstract, topological, with much attention for forms and materials (Neuwahl is an architect).
Games for Seniors? The way for health and social inclusion!
We will talk about it at the Carrara Show during a meeting organized by Giona and the “Rete Italiana Città Sane-OMS”. The aim is to link a series of experiences and proposals addressed to this important segment of the population, in a logic of active and healthy aging. Health, according to the OMS, is not a lack of disease but physical, mental and social ease. Games are therefore a vehicle for health and social inclusion. We will present some significant experiences and practices about the issue, made through community projects or in nursing homes, with experts on preventing cognitive impairment, through games, sports and even phisical activities. There will be demonstrations, performances and tournaments.
presented by
Sunday May 31 at the Carrara Show from 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Nonzero publishes a series of magazines dedicated to puzzles and logic games: “Sudoku” is the first magazine for sudoku in Italy, and “Logic Art”, the only italian magazin about “logic images”. Nonzero takes also care of the graphic realization of the magazines for other publishers.
Since 2006 Nonzero organizes Sudoku Italian Championships.
Our Giulia Franceschini – Champion in 2006
At the Carrara Show a special area dedicated to meetings for anybody that wished to present ideas, projects and products. Among the meetings by studiogiochi:
Sunday May 31, 2015, 03:00 p.m.
Conversation with its founder Albrecht Wernstein, with Leo Colovini and Niek Neuwahl.
Sunday May 31, 2015, 03:30 p.m.
The Premio Archimede, organized by studiogiochi, concerns the invention of unpublished boardgames. During the Carrara Show, Leo Colovini presented the 2016 Edition together with the Jury President Niek Neuwahl. The winners of the 2014 Edition Ciro Facciolli and Sara Rubino were present together with other game authors that have achieved remarkable results in previous editions. Here the Notice of competition 2016
Monday June 1, 2015, 03:30 p.m.
Could it be possible to create an italian archiv for games? Maybe, thanks to virtual technologies and crowdsourcing. Dario De Toffoli and Furio Honsell (Mayor of Udine and GioNa President) presented and talked about the project.
presented by
Hundreds of games at your disposal + assistance of the Goblin Staff
The Game Library is a free area for games. Tana dei Goblin put hundreds of games at your disposal. People could choose any of them and play. The Goblin Staff was there to give advice and help to understand the rules.
The Tana dei Goblin is a group of 33 non profit associations with the goal of spreading the culture of “healthy games”, in particular boardgames, card games and role playing games.
Events (during the entire Carrara Show):
Loan: the loan area is the oldest “trademark” of the Tana dei Goblin: a large free area where you can play, we recommend the titles according to the requests and will officially support you explaining the rules of the games.
Goblin Magnifico: Goblin Magnifico is a TdG initiative that schooses a series of Games of the current year for expert players. The jury is a group of only players (no game authors or publishers) that makes a pre-selection to get to the final decision of the “Goblin Magnifico 2015”.
Kids: The Kids area offers a collection of games for younger players.
MSO 2015
Also the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) at the Carrara Show.
The dedicated corner offered the possibility to visitors to get informations about the Event and even try out some of the games of the XIX edition (London – August 23-31 2015)
For anyone that wanted to try out games like Entropy, Cribbage, LOA, Creative thinking, or maybe Mental calculation, everything was at disposal. Of course, also the most common and popular games were available.
PLAY ’15
The Carrara Show participated to PLAY ’15 with presentation meeting and a STAND.
Saturday April 11 – 12:00 a.m. – Pavilion A
Carrara Show – Presentation
A presentation of the Carrara Show, the new Boardgames, Videogames and and Comics Event that will take place in Carrara from May 5 to June 2 2015.
The meeting was presented by Renato De Rosa, coordinator for Carrara Show and Dario De Toffoli, executive of the Games Area, who invited some of the most important participants of the event on stage, such as Furio Honsell, Mayor of Udine and GioNA President, Gianfranco Fioretta, Oliphante founder and Ivan Lisanti, UISP executive.
From the left, Furio Honsell, Renato De Rosa and Dario De Toffoli
The Carrara Show Stand at Modena Play 2015: