La Nuova & Co – June 8th 2016
June 2016: on the newspapers la Nuova Venezia, il Mattino, La Tribuna and Il Corriere delle Alpi (June 8th 2016) an article about Leo Colovini and his game nominated to the Kinderspiel des Jahres.
May 2016: when poker returns to be fun again. The right motivations, serious competions but without too much money, friendly atmosphere, perfect organization and wonderful hospitality.
May 2016: nomination for the fantastic game by Phil Walker-Harding Imhotep (Kosmos) for the Spiel des Jahres 2016 together with Codenames (Czech Games Edition) by Vlaada Chvátil and Karuba (Haba) by Rüdiger Dorn!
May 13 2016, Formigine (MO): What game are we playing? A lesson-show to prevent compulsive gambling, organized by Play Res, with the participation of Dario De Toffoli.
May 9 2016: The Finals of the Maths Event Kangourou. Dario De Toffoli presented the magazines Mate and Logika and spoke a bit about Mental Calculation, also suggesting a challenge…
May 4th 2016: Today Andrea Angiolino spoke about Alex Randolph on Wikiradio - Radio3
May 2016: the Prize is recognized by GioNa (Associazione Nazionale delle Città in Gioco) and by UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti), for its social and cultural value; Furio Honsell, GioNa Presidente and Mayor of the city of Udine will join the Event.
May 2016: it is official, the final ceremony of the Premio Archimede will take place on October 1st, at the San Leonardo Hall in Venice, thanks to the collaboration and support of the Municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano.
May 2016: Think Str8, the game by Leo Colovini, published by Huch & friends, is among the nominated games for the MinD Spielepreis 2017!
April 2 - 3 2016: Playful totem scattered around Modena, one of the many brilliant ideas of the Play 2016 organizers. And we are part of it!
16-17 aprile 2016: Dario De Toffoli, Umberto Rosin and Daniele Tascini will take part to the National meeting for game authors, presenting the Premio Archimede 2016.
April 14 2016: here we are! The complete list of our Premio Archimede 2016 jury members! We are happy and proud to get every year more attention.
April 2016: Dario De Toffoli on italiapokerclub indicates the 3 (+1) ideal boardgames for poker players.
April 2 - 3 2016: at Modena Play the always very crowded Casa Europa area.
During the event Play 2016 (Modena, Aprile 2-3) on April the 3rd, Dario De Toffoli and Leo Colovini will present the 2016 Edition of the Premio Archimede.