I go!
August 2012: I go!, the game by Leo Colovini, published by Fox Mind is in the stores!
August 2012: I go!, the game by Leo Colovini, published by Fox Mind is in the stores!
July 2012: The multilingual edition (Competo) of Mord im Arosa, a game by Alessandro Zucchini, this time called Hotel Mystery, is in the stores!
July 2012: the german edition (Zoch) of Schnapp's, a game by Carlo A. Rossi, is in the stores!
July 2012: the Spanish/Portuguese edition of Hol's der Geier (Amigo), a classic game by Alex Randolph, is in the stores!
A la manière de..., the French new edition (La Haute Roche) of Plagio, the game by Antonio Lupica, is in the stores!
April 2012: three new editions of Hol's der Geier, a classic game by Alex Randolph are in the stores: Hagetata no ejiki (Möbius, Japan), Stupide Vautour (Gigamic, France) and Stop de Gier! (Asmodee, Belgium-Holland).
March 2012: Fantasmi, the classic game by the great Alex Randolph, in a new edition by Oliphante, is in the stores!