Lucca – the city of games
February 2014: the celebration edition of "Lucca Città" by Alessandro Zucchini, published by DV Giochi, is in the stores!
February 2014: the celebration edition of "Lucca Città" by Alessandro Zucchini, published by DV Giochi, is in the stores!
November 2013: Inkognito, the popular game by Alex Randolph and Leo Colovini, published by Ares Games in a new edition, is in the stores!
October 2013: the multilingual edition ofAb in die Tonne (, a game by Carlo A. Rossi, is in the stores!
October 2013: Road Rally USA, the game by Carlo A. Rossi, published by MayFair Games, is in the stores!
June 2013: Allena la tua mente, the new book by Dario De Toffoli (Cairo Editore) containing more than 300 puzzles and fun exercises to improve one's intellectual abilities, is in the stores!
May 2013: the new book by Dario De Toffoli and Margherita Bonaldi Blackjack: A Champion's Guide, published by Gaming Books is available on! The book is based on the part dedicated to Blackjack of the previous Il grande libro del Blackjack.