December 2017: build your Ancient Greek city-state with Polis, the new game by Leo Colovini! Only Dutch (999 games) and Danish (Four Esses) editions are availbale for the moment.
October 2017: a new card game realized for the book series for children "Battello a Vapore" (Piemme edizioni). Investigate with your friends the mysteorius cases as your favourite characters do!
October 2017: Match crazy pairs with Facecards, the new game by Leo Colovini (first multilingual edition by Ravensburger).
June 2017: BoardGameGeekTV at Origins game fair. Rio Grande games, the distributor of the new English Edition explains in a 5 minutes video of BoardGameGeekTV, the most interesting and original new feautures of the new edition.
June 2017: The new book of "Reazione a catena" came out, a volume of more then 200 pages (edit by Rai Eri) with several word games and puzzles from the famous RAI Tv program.
Editorial adjustment, texts and games are realized by studiogiochi.
June 2017: Now in the store "Gho...Gho...Ghosty", the new game designed by the great team Leo Colovini, Francesco Sciacqua and Teodoro Mitidieri (Francesco e Teodoro won Premio Archimede 2006 and the 4th position on 2010).
June 2017: continues the success of "Il grande libro del Poker" by Dario De Toffoli. Published the second edition in Portuguese language, edited by "Arte plural edicoes".
January 2017: Crazy race (Ravensburger), the new game by Alessandro Zucchini is in the stores!
December 2016: Dungeon Time (Ares Games), the new game by Carlo A. Rossi is in the stores!
December 2016: the blogspot "educereludendo" wrote a nice review on our old game Dummy.
December 2016: a new edition of the game Sieben auf einen Streich by Leo Colovini and Fabio Visintin is in the stores: Forest, published by Helvetiq.