December 2016: a new edition of the game Sieben auf einen Streich by Leo Colovini and Fabio Visintin is in the stores: Forest, published by Helvetiq.
December 2016: a new edition of the game Sieben auf einen Streich by Leo Colovini and Fabio Visintin is in the stores: Forest, published by Helvetiq.
December 2016: Matterhorn, the new game by Leo Colovini, published by Helvetiq, is in the stores!
November 2016: The mysterious forest (iello), the new game by Carlo A. Rossi is in the stores!
November 2016: the Dutch edition (999Games) of Absacker (Afzakker), the new version of Dummy by Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli is in the stores!
October 2016: 11 the new editions that came out this month for Imhotep - Builder of Egypt, the game by Phil Harding, that got a second place in 2010 at the Premio Archimede: Giochi Uniti (IT) - Devir (ES) - Galakta (PL) - Spilbraet (DK) - Braedspel (SWE) - Lautapelit (FI) - Vennerod Forlag (NOR) - Varunas (RO) - Piatnik (HU) - White Goblin Games (HO) - Arclight Games (JP).
October 2016: Picassino, the new fun game by Carlo A. Rossi, published by Haba in two bilingual editions (English-German and French-Dutch), is in the stores.
September 2016: Freaky (Amigo), the new card game by Leo Colovini is in the stores!
July 2016: the last creation by Carlo Rossi, licensed by Ares Games and launched on kickstarter. A great success, more than 1.000 pledges!
June 2016: three new editions for the fantastic game by Leo Colovini, nomination at the Kinderspiel des Jahres 2016: Leo - muss zum Friseur: the Scandinavian (, the Czech Slovak (Albi), and the German-English Edition (Abacus Spiele)!
June 2016: two new editions for the game by Carlo A. Rossi Zoowaboo, one in Japanese (Br.Jordan) and one in English (Pegasus Games).
May 2016: Mate, the new math magazine that witnesses the raising interest for the world of math! Games couldn't be missing: inside the magazine an 8 page section realized by Dario Zaccariotto for studiogiochi.
May 2016: three new editions for the fantastic game by Leo Colovini, nomination at the Kinderspiel des Jahres 2016: Leo - muss zum Friseur: the Italian edition (DaVinci), the Chinese edition (GoKids), and the POlish edition (G3)!
May 2016: the Chinese edition (GoKids) of Ab in die Tonne, the game by Carlo A. Rossi is in the stores.
May 2016: the Spanish edition (Gen X Kids) of Der Schatz von Castellina, the game by Carlo A. Rossi is in the stores.
April 2016: the english edition (Kosmos) of Imhotep - Builder of Egypt, the game by Phil Harding, second place at the 2010 Edition of the Premio Archimede, is in the stores.
April 2016: the first reviews and comments on Leo - muss zum Friseur (Abacus Spiele), the new exciting game by Leo Colovini