Cacao – Chocolatl
March 2016: Cacao - Chocolatl (Abacus Spiele), the expansion of the previous boardgame by Phil Harding, 3rd place at the Premio Archimede 2010, is in the stores!.
March 2016: Cacao - Chocolatl (Abacus Spiele), the expansion of the previous boardgame by Phil Harding, 3rd place at the Premio Archimede 2010, is in the stores!.
March 2016: Leo - muss zum Friseur (Abacus Spiele), the new exciting game by Leo Colovini is in the stores!
March 2016: Sator arepo tenet opera rotas - Malleus Maleficarum (Scribabs), (the expansion of the game "The muddle maze" by Enrico Pesce and Federica Rinaldi), finalist of the Premio Archimede 2006, is in the stores.
March 2016: Imhotep (Kosmos), the game by Phil Harding, second place at the 2010 Edition of the Premio Archiemde, is in the stores!
March 2016: Liguria (Queen Games), the brilliant game by Alessandro Zucchini, reviewed on
Zoowaboo, the popular game by Carlo A. Rossi, will be played in a "big version" in a TV show in Germany where kids play against adults... Soon a video about it!
January 2015: Odyssey (Ares Games), the new exciting game by Leo Colovini is in the stores!
December 2015: the Hungarian edition (Piatnik) of Absacker, the new version of Dummy by Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli is in the stores!
November 2015: Titus Tentakel (Haba), the new Dutch edition of the game byLeo Colovini is in the stores!
November 2015: Titus Tentakel (Haba), the new French edition of the game byLeo Colovini is in the stores!
November 2015: Titus Tentakel (Haba), the new Italian edition of the game byLeo Colovini is in the stores!
October 2015: Liguria (Queen Games), the new exciting game byAlex Zucchini is in the stores!
September 2015: Zoowaboo (Egmont), the new Polnish edition of the game byCarlo A. Rossi is in the stores!
September 2015: Zoowaboo (Matagot Kids), the new French edition of the game byCarlo A. Rossi is in the stores!
September 2015: Golden Horn - Dominio da Mar (Piatnik), the expansion of the popular game byLeo Colovini is in the stores.
August 2015: the 30th Anniversary limited edition of Code 777 (Stronghold Games), the game by Alex Randolph, is in the stores.
June 2015: Zoowaboo (Two Plus), the new taiwanese edition of the game byCarlo A. Rossi is in the stores!