When the primary scope of the game is not only playing for fun. Gaming is an original and useful tool of communication!
In this instance we are talking about:
- Promotion games
- Communication games
- Educational games
- Training games
For any needs or occasions, we will be able to provide all kinds of games in every shape, size and material, to promote a brand, a product, a company, a touristic attraction, a private or cultural event…
Try it out with games!
Know-how from prototypes to finished products
Studiogiochi offers publishers all kinds of services to facilitate the release of a game:
- Prototype development and testing
- Drafting and translation of the rules
- Graphic design and illustrations
- Industrialization and production
Thanks to its long lasting experience in the field of game publications with Venice Connection (later property of Stupor Mundi/Giochi Uniti), studiogiochi offers publishers a complete national and international service for the production of a boardgame: from graphic design to the set of rules in different languages, the packaging, and the entire know-how starting from the budget to the production.
Leo Colovini is the King of our board games creative team: he is one of the major professional authors in Italy, brought up at the school of Alex Randolph, the “Altmeister” himself.
When they are available, he is also helped by Dario De Toffoli, Dario Zaccariotto, Piero Modolo, Federico Colovini, Giuseppe Baggio, Alessandro Zucchini, and Umberto Rosin.
In addition to in-house developed games, we also take care of a wide range of games by independent “external” authors that oftentimes come from the Premio Archimede, with whom we established a fruitful and enjoyable partnership throughout the years.
Altogether we published more than 200 games!
Developing: from ideas to prototypes
Fine-tuning of each product is a joint endeavor and it is the result of countless tests with in-house and external game testers, always in close collaboration with the author. Through this process, ideas that have potential but are not fully developed yet can be expanded upon and professionally organized. Our role as an “agency” has allowed many non-professional authors, mainly Italians, to finally reach their goal of seeing their game on sale. But game developing as we do is not only targeted to amateurs, even professional author can benefit from discussing their ideas with our team, laying foundations for future fertile collaborations.
Licensing: from prototypes to the shelves
After fine-tuning the product, testing it successfully and creating its prototype, the game is finally ready to be presented to the major national and international publishers that, if interested, can purchase the license to the game and publish it within their territories, after paying a royalty. We are not exclusive with any company, even though with some of them we have developed a friendship during the years. We try to offer each game to the company we deem more suitable, and our percentage of success is around 65%: this means that two out of three of the games that we choose to develop manage to find their way to the shop… and sometimes they become international hits.
Ok, we had the idea and it seemed good!
It has been tried, developed and we also did a lot of playtesting with all the polishing that solves many problems.
Now the final prototype is ready, with the written english rulebook and many pictures.
And now what?
Now it’s time to show our project to the publishers that we think will appreciate it the most.
With many of them we are friends and there’s always the chance to show our stuff: we can go directly there or they can come too, or maybe we can just ship the game the moment we understand they are interested to it.
But during the year there are two moments that we cannot miss, the Nurnberg’s Spielwarenmesse at the beginning of February and the Essen’s Spiel at the end of October. It’s really crowdy there, editors are super-busy, but we can almost breathe games, we meet others, we share opinions, we look at trends, we get to know new people entering the business.
So, Nurnberg and Essen are still today musts!
If you invented a game and you would like studiogiochi to be your agent for your creation, partecipate to the PREMIO ARCHIMEDE!
The Premio Archimede is the most important international competition for non professional game authors.
The advantages:
1) the registration to this competition guarantees a certain and public proof of the authorship of your game, in many cases, more effective than any patent or SIAE registration.
2) if your game passes the first selection (about one out of two games), it will be exposed during the final ceremony and may be noticed by the public and publishers that will be there as jury members or visitors.
3) if your game is among the finalists (about one out of ten games), it will be played by jury members (most of them represent major international game publishers). And so, the chances of a publication are very high.
4) If your game gets one of the first places, you will receive substantial prizes in form of expenses reimbursement for a total of 3500 Euros.
For any further information about the Premio Archimede and the notice of competition of its current edition, click here: PREMIO ARCHIMEDE
The Premio Archimede is biennial, if your game is ready in advance, take advantage of that time to do more tests, write better rules and improve the quality of the prototype. Remember: a game is never really and completely ready!
The patents in the boardgames area do not have a real effect and are just good for wasting time and money.
Games are basically ideas, the law doesn’t protect ideas, but just the “corpus mechanicum” and the trademarks: this is proved by the many unpunished “cloning” cases that damaged even large multinationals, that spent for sure a lot of money for lawyers and legal protection.
The only fair protection for games that have not yet become international successes with millions of sold copies is to meet directly the interlocutors.
The “community of games” is quite small and consists of almost all genuine operators that love this industry: many years living inside this amazing enchanted world, getting along well and a mutual respect with all major operators that studiogiochi obtained throughout the years, are the best prevention against any possible abuse.
Alex Randolph was the Master of all board games’ authors; he basically invented the profession of “creating games”. It is also thanks to him that today we have the author’s name full front on almost all games’ boxes.
We’ve accomplished a lot, but we still have a long way to go: We are far from the cultural and social recognition books’ authors have. IDeAG, established in Italy since 2005, organizes meeting where authors can meet and test each other prototypes, thus helping the growth of game culture and respect for authorship.
In 2019, IDeAG has become the Italian division of SAZ(Spiele-Autoren-Zunft), the international association that protects authors’ interests.
Autori in Gioco is another Italian meeting between authors-creators.