“Worldwide the greatest fair for toys and games. Would you like to get in touch with a publisher? You’ll find him there! There are about 3.000!
Studiogiochi joins the fair since the ’80, when the new pavilion didn’t exsist yet, and to get to become an expositor you would have to wait for years in a waiting list, and all the ones of the games would stay in the Halle M.
How many memories, successfull contracts signed at 2:00 a.m. at the Kontiki!”

Once again this year, studiogiochi took part in the Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg, the world’s leading B2B event in the toy and games industry, now in its 74th edition with expanded content and space.
Our Leo, Piero and Federico brought with them some forty prototypes to show the publishers, many of which came from the last editions of the Premio Archimede.
Here are the numbers of the fair and ours:
- 2,362 exhibitors from 71 countries
- 57,500 visitors from 126 countries
- more than 40 prototypes presented, many of them from Premio Archimede
- over 40 meetings in 4 days
And Leo even autographing a book, he’s a star now!
Several new studiogiochi games were presented at the fair:
- Tai Chi Tiger by Matteo Cimenti, Carlo Rigon and Chiara Zanchetta for Kosmos (from Premio Archimede 2023)
- Crazy Worms by Maurizio ‘Ghigo’ Buso and Fabrizio Tronchin for Piatnik (from Premio Archimede 2023)
- Tik Tak Bumm Vortex by Leo Colovini for Piatnik
- Gloomies by Filippo Landini for Ravensburger (from Premio Archimede 2023)
- Das Geheimnis 7 Kontinente by Leo Colovini and Dario Zaccariotto for Moses
But other deals have already been signed, with many more games on the way. A little patience, we cannot reveal everything right away…
We have to admit it, Nurnberg is truly a overwhelming fair! Beautifully overwhelming! But look at our heroes, Leo, Federico and Piero, buzzy and happy before the start.
And look at them after the end, tired, with a little smile, but really satisfied of the work they have done, of the empty luggage because all the prototypes have been taken by publishers.
Because every year is the same story, Leo gets the hang on it and schedules more meetings than humanly is possible to manage, but that’s fine because fairs are unique opportunity to meet everybody!
So, ten hours a day to show prototypes and sign contracts, not a moment to breathe.
But so much satisfaction in seeing the stands full od new products made in studiogiochi! This year there were 6:
- Merchant of Dunhuang by Gabriele Bubola published by the korean Mandoo Games (it was Il Bazar di Tabriz, finalist of Archimede 2016)
- Aqualin by Marcello Bertocchi published by Kosmos (it was FeudaLink, finalist of Archimede 2018)
- Schatzsuche im Wunderwald by Cielo d’Oro published by Haba
- Kleine Kläffer by Félix Bernat Julián published by Piatnik (it was Conclave X, finalist of Archimede 2018)
- Die Verlassene Bibliothek by Leo Colovini published by Moses (there must be a new “Colovini”!)
- Marco Polo II: Im Auftrag des Khan by Daniele Tascini and Simone Luciani (expansion of the well-known Marco Polo, in stores from a little while).
But do you think that after 10 hours of fair, meeting editors and authors non-stop, getting drunk of mechanics, themes and contracts, all could possibly end there? Not at all, the truly nice part comes after! It starts all in the evening, when you meet all together to feast in the breweries and in the restaurants of Nurnberg, without labels about this or that company, to celebrate the beautiful board games world.
For example, here are our heroes at Spielverlage (something like a “meeting” of publishers) at the table with 999 Games and Zoch Spiele. All of this is happening in the mythic Heilig-Geist-Spital, an ancient hospital, now a beautiful and special restaurant.
Who knows, maybe Leo managed to get his salad without vinegar! And after the party? Well, if there’s nothing better to do, it’s time to work on the prototypes, maybe improving them following the day’s feedbacks, to better suit the meetings of tomorrow.
Or here they play Yummy Monsters at the HUCH! & friends evening inside the Mississipi Queen!
And do you really call this a “job”?
It’s more than 30 years that studiogiochi is coming to the mythic Spielwarenmesse, the toy fair of Nurnberg.
2019 is no exception, with many meeting sheduled.
Some numbers:
29 prototypes (9 of which come from Premio Archimede)
25 meetings with different publishers (italians, europeans, asians, americans)
17 authors we are agent for
11 hours of car to come back to Venice, for a traffic jam in Brennero
Tired, rather, completely shattered, but with many satisfactions: much interest and some agreement already done!
And there’s more – while waiting for the many new surprises to come – it’s beautiful to see published our last works: Heul Doch! Mau Mau by Leo Colovini in the Ravensburger stand and Kensington by Cielo d’Oro in the Piatnik stand.
But Nurnberg is not only the Fair, but also the evening events, where editors of many different company join together to play (not only) in beautiful alehouses: they are all friends who have fun, and not competitors who want to to hurt each other! Who was not there has missed something great.
The fair begins!
Leo Colovini doing slalom between stands, ready to present our studio’s prototypes.
A prototype of Bononia (Archimede 2018) during one of the many meetings.
Heul Doch! Mau mau, the last game of Leo Colovini, presented at Ravensburger’s booth!
Kensington by Cielo d’Oro at the Piatnik’s booth, ready to be printed!
Nuremberg doesn’t only mean working at the fair, but also nice evenings with the company of old and new friends. In this photo, we are celebrating with the friends form 999 games!
From left to right, Piero Modolo, Leo Colovini and Federico Colovini, who represented studiogiochi during the fair by showing the prototypes at all the meetings.
Great success for studiogiochi, at the Nürnberg Spielwarenmesse 2014, as shown also an the newspaper article below.