Home Masterword


How to play

Guess the word with a maximum of six attempts. For each attempt, write a six-letter word and verify it by clicking “OK”. The boxes will light up and give you clues referring to the position they are in.

Green letter: the letter entered in that position matches the letter in the word you are guessing.

Purple letter: the correct letter in that position is one of the previous letters alphabetically (in this example: A, B, C or D).

Orange letter: the correct letter in that position is one of the following letters alphabetically (in this example: U, V, W, X, Y or Z).

Once you have guessed the word, your score will depend on the number of attempts made, the time spent, and the words used (those that not exist or have letters that have already been discarded give higher penalties).
A new word will be available every 24 hours!