Once again the Premio Archimede, organized by studiogiochi has been a great experience for all of us, a really wonderfull way to remember and honour Alex Randolph, the “Master” of game authors to whom this event is dedicated.
There were 141 registered games, coming mostly from Italy, but also from many other countries.
The exhibition of the 69 games admitted to the final took place on the 2nd of October at the Aula Magna of the IUAV University of Venice: any kind of game was to be seen: strategy games, luck games, abstract games, simple games, complicated games, all of them very special and original, with a quite high average level.
The final ceremony was full of suspence, with the nomination of the TOP 16 (the 16 games admitted to the very last final), the live voting of the international jury and the official count.
And finally the winner was Aquileia by Pier Volontè (Cielo d’Oro), presented by the jury with these words: “If you think that modern life is complicated, you should try to find your way in the market, the arena, the stadium, the theatre and the forum of ancient Aquileia”.
The first three places recieved also a special prize from Herbert Feuerstein in name of the J.P. Halvah Foundation, created by Randolph with the purpose of helping emerging game authors.
And that’s not all: the first 10 games will also become part of the collection of the Swiss Museum of Games of La Tour de Peliz (www.museedujeu.ch); the director of the museum, Ulrich Schaedler, also announced an exhibition in which the Archimede prototypes will be exposed together with their published version.
The international jury’s work has been really admirable: Niek Neuwahl, the president, Silvio De Pecher (La Tana dei Goblin, Italy), Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy), Mauro Gaffo (Focus Brain Trainer, Italy), Michael Bruinsma (999games, Netherlands), Mike Gray (Hasbro, USA), Uwe Mölter (Amigo, Germany), Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany), Albrecht Werstein (Zoch, Germany).
Incredibly supportive and important was the work of the selection jury, chaired again by Niek Neuwahl, with Giuseppe Baggio, Alfredo Berni, Leonardo Colovini, Carlo A. Rossi, Dario Zaccariotto, Alessandro Zucchini and the website, secretary and graphics work realized by Elisa Marzorati, Giorgia Marchesin, Rossana Nardo and Fabrizio Berger.
Special thanks also to the IUAV University of Venice, the J.P Halvah Foundation and the Musée suisse de jeu, which contributed together with studiogiochi to the organization of the Premio Archimede 2010; Carta Mundi, Hasbro, La Tana dei Goblin, Phalanx Games, Piatnik, Ravensburger, ScriBabs, Giochi Uniti, Winning Moves, Zoch and Amigo; the official magazine for the Premio Archimede 2010 Focus Brain Trainer; Clementoni, Nexus, Ravensburger, Spielmaterial.de and Unicopli/Oliphante for all the boardgames and puzzles offered as prizes for the finalist authors.
Premio Archimede 2010
by Pier Volontè (Saronno - Varese)
by Phil Harding (Australia)
by Phil Harding (Australia)
by Teodoro Mitidieri Francesco Sciacqua and Pietro Rubolino (Milano)
by Antonio Scrittore (Terni)
by Marco Pozzi (Voghera - Pavia)
by Dennis Hoyle (USA)
by Pierre Canuel (Francia)
by Carlo Emanuele Lanzavecchia (Torino)
by Fabio Chiarello (Latina)
by Alessandro Saragosa (Terranuova - Arezzo)
by Fabio Chiarello (Latina)
by Pier Volontè for Celo Doro (Saronno - Varese)
by Enrico Trincherini (Trieste)
by Lorenzo Pigozzo e Alessandro Santacroce (Genova)
bby David Zanotto (Rosà - Veneto)
Special Prize Carta Mundi to the best card game
by Dennis Hoyle (USA)
Special Prize Focus Brain Trainer
assigned by the magazine, partner of the event, for the best game that could be used to create a game for the press
by Fabio Chiarello (Latina)
Special Prize “Sebastiano Izzo”
to the game that would have been appreciated by Sebastiano Izzo, our beloved “games buddy” that we like to remember during every edition
by Hiroaki Ota (Japan)
Special Prize Winning Moves
for the game that most matches with the ideas of the publishing house
by Phil Harding (Australia)
Special Prize IDG
for the best game entirely created by a non professional game author (an author that never published one of his games yet)
by Pier Volontè (Saronno - Varese)
10 by 10 – Francois Ribaupierre
Abate lappesca – Teodoro Mitidieri
Ajur – Nestore Mangone
Aquileia – Pier Volontè of Celo Doro
Balance – Carlo Emanuele Lanzavecchia
Biff’s tower – Lucio Sgarlata
Black Gold – Albino Quadrelli
Builders of Egypt – Phil Harding
Cacao – Phil Harding
Cafè de Paris – Luca Mulazzani
Carta Bianca – Antonio Scrittore
Casanova – David Zanotto
Castles – Marco Pozzi
Colorocchio – Luca Morigi
Commandos Spaziali – Alessandro Saragosa
Conestoga – Andrea Guerrieri
Cosmobet – Giuseppe di Giovanni
Crazy race – Antonio Scrittore
Cursus honorum – Fabrizio Angeletti
Drop Site – Dennis Hoyle
El condor pasa – Matteo Nicotra
Exit – Sergio Tonon
Farmer Puzzle – Giovanni Cugini
Fly Away – Daniele Ferri
Fuoco a Tribordo – Luca Mulazzani
Gosix – Pierre Canuel
Guado – Lorenzo Pigozzo
Human pyramid – Fabrizio Angeletti
Hunga Bunga – Luca Bellini
Il grande gioco delle buone azioni – Fabio Chiarello
Il Palio – Giovanni Cugini
Inseguimento e fuga – Marco Pavone
Irigem – David Zanotto
Koleopterix – Francesco Frittelli
La lampada di Aladino – David Zanotto
La scalata alla vetta – Davide Rigolone
Le miniere di Gandise – Diego Allegrini
Le mura del re – Alessia Luca
Lupin – Antonio Di Cecco
Make tetris – Luca Bellini
Maskere – Alessandro Dentis
Memomat – Hiroaki Ota
Modena – Francesco Frittelli
Parabellum – Andrea Pino
Pax Romana – Alessandro Saragosa
Piazza mercato – Giorgio Villa
Positive soccer – Paolo Baroni
Q – Il gioco di carte – Enrico Trincherini
Quantum race – Fabio Chiarello
Race to Insanity – James Walton
Rafting – Pier Damiano Bandini
Re Artù – Cinzia Salmasi
Ritorno di fiamma – Jean Marc Tribet
Rolo – Alimberto Torri
Routes to Timbuktu – Marco Pranzo
Sifta – David Zanotto
Strategy – Sergio Tonon
Taxis – Edward Volkert
Team Baroli – Nestore Mangone
Tempus fugit – Franco Marchiori
Tennis sul tavolo – Luca Moretta
The flying suitcase – Jurgen Elias
Topi – David Zanotto
Towns – Alessandro Saragosa
Tutto fa brodo – QMAM
Vessilli e Vassalli – Fabrizio Aspesi
Zed – Paolo Giudice
Zigurat – Christian Baro Sotelo
Zimbatrì – Elisa Marchioro
For the judgment of the games there will be two separate working groups:
• the selection jury that will choose the games admitted to the finals and will assign special awards.
• the final jury that will vote in front of the public, during the final ceremony, deciding the winners, for the prize as well as for the Winning Moves and Carta Mundi trophies.
Selection jury:
Niek Neuwahl (President),
Giuseppe Baggio,
Alfredo Berni,
Leo Colovini,
Marco Maggi,
Francesco Nepitello,
Carlo A. Rossi,
Dario Zaccariotto,
Alessandro Zucchini
Final jury:
Niek Neuwahl (President),
Michael Bruinsma (Phalanx, The Netherlands),
Bernd Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany),
Dagmar De Cassan (Wiener Spiele Akademie, Austria),
Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy),
Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy),
Paolo Fasce (Il secolo XIX, Italy),
Mauro Gaffo (Focus Brain Trainer, Italy),
Mike Gray (Hasbro, USA),
Uwe Mölter (Amigo, Germany),
Ennio Peres (giournalist),
Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany),
Albrecht Werstein (Zoch, Germany)
Both groups will be joined by Gigi Pescolderung, Giuseppe Baù, Fabrizio Berger, Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati, Stefano Mondini, Rossana Nardo, Giorgio Salvadego and Massimo Tonizzo, for consultancy.
Premio Archimede, together with IDG is happy to announce to the game authors that, starting already from this edition, there will be another important prize: the IDG trophy, for the best game created entirely by a beginner inventor (an author that never published one of his own games).
The winner of the prize will receive a plate, the free participation (participation fee and trip to get there) to the next IDeAG in the city of Torino, and a little collection of board games made by the authors of the IDG “area”.
The founder and spokesperson of IDG, Paolo Mori, winner of the previous edition of the Premio Archimede (“Lorenzo il magnifico”), author of many successful games such as “Vasco de Gama”, will participate to the selection of the finalists.
IDG, born on the web in 2005, is a community of passionate people that are by now about 1000 members.
The community is open to game authors, aspiring authors, looking for advice, wanting to show their creations to publishers that search for original and good games, and also to players that are curious about game design or eager to try out a new game.
IDG is not only on the web: every year it organizes 3 international encounters: at Piossasco (near Torino) in January, at Berceto (near Parma) in April, and at Sant’Omero (near Teramo) in June.
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2010, organized by studiogiochi, concerns the invention of board games. The Prize is dedicated to the great Alex Randolph, who was the President of this competition during the first seven editions. Everybody can participate, there are no age nor nationality limits.
The authors can participate either as a single person or as a group.
The Prize is supported by the patronage of the Comune di Venezia and the J.P. Halvah Foundation (founded by the very same Randolph and directed by Herbert Feuerstein). The Foundation offers a support of € 3.500 to the winners, in form of study trips, stages, contributions for the publication, etc. The University Insitute for Architecture of Venice (IUAV) will host the final ceremony, like in the previous three editions, that will take place on the
2nd of October 2010
During this occasion there will be a commemoration of Alex Randolph. The official magazine for the competition is Focus Brain Trainer. The Prize is also supported by the cooperation of the Musée Suisse du Jeu (Swiss Museum of games) that will organize an exposition of the final games. The associations that participate to the event will receive informations about the games competing and will be able to take a look at them.
To participate, please fill in the participation form and send a prototype of the game within the 30th of June 2010 to:
c/o studiogiochi
S. Polo 3083
30125 VENICE
The authors are required to pay a participation fee of € 25 for each game, that must be sent with the prototype. This fee is ment to support a part of the organization costs. As in literature prizes, starting from this edition, studiogiochi will have the right of first refusal on the finalist games (see the participation form). For the payment, please attach to the rules a nontransferable cheque to studiogiochi or else an international postal cheque. There will be a participation certificate for each admitted game, indicating the day of the presentation of the game.
Besides the Archimede Award, the jury will assign the Special Award Sebastiano Izzo and many other Awards such as:
• Winning Moves Special Trophy, for the best family strategic game. The winner game will be exposed at the Winning Moves stand, during the fair of Essen 2010.
• Carta Mundi Special Trophy for the best card game: the prize consists in 1000 copies made by Carta Mundi for free.
The game must be composed by one or two decks of cards only and it will be produced with its rules and its case. The graphics will be realized for free by the ScriBabs, that published the winner game of the previous year.
All the finalists will receive many games offered by the publishers that sponsor the prize, and materials for the creation of new prototypes kindly offered from Spiel-material.de.
Requirements to participate
All the games will need the requirements below. Without these requirements they won’t be allowed to finalize the competition.
The game
• Has to be original and unpublished.
• Can’t last more than 90 minutes.
The rules
• Have to be typewritten (typewriter or computer) in Italian and/or English.
• Have to be easy to understand and exhaustive (including the indication of the contents of the material and the number of players). The jury must not have a hard time understanding them. It is advisable to use examples and figures.
• Can’t be written in more than 10.000 characters.
• Advice: Before you send the game, let it be played by the testers without giving any help explaining the rules, and observe how it is works! That way you will know how you can refine and perfection your rules and even your game.
The prototype
• Needs to be contained in a solid cardboard box similar to the games officially produced. The box has to be easy to open, but also well closed. It must be easy to carry, not too heavy and not bigger than approximately 40x30x10 cm.
• It has to be functional. For instance the pawns have to be able to stand easily, the spaces have to be enough big, thee cards must not be too thin, the colours have to be easy to identify, etc.
• It is not necessary to be presented as a final version, the graphic aspect comes after its use.
• The pieces of the game have to be wrapped separately in order to make it easy to get ready for the game.
• If necessary, the board has to be folded to fit into the box.
• The organization is not responsible for any loss or damage to the prototype during the event.
Information about the authors
On the box and on the rules there must be the name of the game, the name and surname of the authors, their full address, telephone number, and eventually e-mal address.
Participation form
The participation form has to be completely filled in and signed for each participating game.
Restitution of the prototypes
The authors may recollect their prototypes during the final ceremony; all the non recollected prototypes won’t be returned.
Evaluation standards for games
The jury will consider the games accordingly to the following features (in order of importance):
• Originality of the game mechanisms.
• Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanisms.
• Amusement.
• Interaction of the players.
• The possibility that the game will be taken into consideration from editors to be published.
• Theme coherence.
• Quality of the prototype.
Opening of the reception desk: general information; withdrawal of the prototypes not admitted to the final; payment for the participation to the dinner party; withdrawal of the diplomas of the 69 finalists
Exhibition of the games admitted to the final.
The authors of the games (admitted and not admitted) may meet the spokesperson of the jury (Leo Colovini) and the other members of the jury to hear the comments and advices for their creations
In memory of Alex Randolph
Nomination of the 15 finalist games. Right after, live voting and official count, awards and special prizes
Withdrawal of the remaining prototypes at the reception
Dinner party – Refreshment/Buffet dinner
Premio Archimede 2010 is organized by studiogiochi in collaboration with the J.P. Halvah Foundation and the Swiss Museum of Games.
Focus Brain Trainer Official Magazine of Premio Archimede 2008 |
The participants to the finals will receive games and materials for the creation of new prototypes from: