The final ceremony of the Premio Archimede 2014, organized by studiogiochi, took place on October 4 at the Sala San Leonardo in Venice. This XII Edition has been a real success.
Alex Randolph, the “Master” of game authors, to whom this event is dedicated, has been remembered and honored this year with a Geister Tournament (one of his most beautiful games). The tournament took place before the prize giving and the winner was Dario Zaccariotto who beated Umberto Rosin (the Venice “Tana dei Goblin” president) at the final.
The number of prototypes in this year’s competition, mainly games from Italy, but also from many other countries in and outside Europe, was 144: very close to the 2012 record of 146 participants.
The exhibition showed the 60 prototypes admitted to the final. There were games of all kinds: strategy, luck, abstract, with particular settings, simple, complex, all with new and original ideas, with a level that is increasing each year.During the final ceremony, the proclamation of the TOP 15 (13 boardgames plus the first two card games among the 4 that competed for the Cartamundi prize), and then the final live voting of the international jury.
The Premio Archimede 2014 goes Nea Polis by Ciro Facciolli and Sara Rubino, that also won the Speciale Prize IdeaG given to the best author that never published a game. Second place goes to Approdo del re by David Zanotto and third to Borgogna, again by David Zanotto.
The first three places received also a special prize from Niek Neuwahl on behalf of the J.P. Halvah Foundation, created by Randolph with the purpose of helping emerging game authors.
To be mentioned also the Special Prizes: the Sebastiano Izzo Special Prize to Approdo del re by David Zanotto and the Cartamundi Prize to Rus in urbe by Marco Franchin. Two special prizes have been given to the most professional realizations of prototypes: Apollo 11 by Nicola Montagner and Jules Verne Prophecy by Maurizio Turinetto. The Special Prize Pencil&Paper Game went to Line2Dots by Chong Veng Cheang(China).
The international jury’s work has been really admirable: Niek Neuwahl the president, Michael Bruinsma (Phalanx, Netherlands), Bernd and Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany), Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy), Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy), Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany), Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany) replaced by Wim de Boer because of indisposition, Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria), Albrecht Werstein (Zoch, Germany).
Incredibly supportive and important was the work of the selection jury, directed by Leo Colovini, with Giuseppe Baggio, Mauro Gaffo, Paolo Munini, Federico Colovini and Alessandro Zucchini, and the work done by the staff members for the website, secretary and graphics (Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati, Rossana Nardo, Dario Zaccariotto and Fabrizio Berger).
The City of Venice offered the possibility to use the beautiful Sala San Leonardo, underlining the importance of the real ludic culture in contrast with the increasing slot-machine reality.
GioNa, the National Association of the playing city, through its president, Furio Honsell Mayor of the city of Udine, praised events like this that give importance to the social and cultural aspects of games.
The Musée suisse de jeu will be expose the best finalists.
Special thanks to the companies and Association that partecipated to the Event such as Old Boys (for the trophies), 999, Amigo, Asterion, Cartamundi, Hans im Glueck, Hasbro, IDG, La tana dei Goblin, Lego, Piatnik, Ravensburger, ScriBabs, Zoch; Logika, the official magazine of the Premio Archimede 2014; Ares, Clementoni, DVGiochi, Oliphante, Schmidt, Spielmaterial, for all the boardgames and puzzles offered as prizes for the finalist authors.
Classifica Premio Archimede 2014
by Ciro Facciolli e Sara Rubino
APPRODO DEL RE by David Zanotto
BORGOGNA by David Zanotto
LES HALLES by Enrico Feresin
CARDO MAXIMUS by Emanuele Ornella
ISOLA TAKUKI by Nestore Mangone
RUS IN URBE by Marco Franchin
MESSTI by Peter Verhaeghe
SOCCORSO ALPINO by Antonio Scrittore
GHOST TOWN by Alessandro Dentis
TORNEO by Cielo Doro
KHEFREN by Francesco and Laura Frittelli
RECYCLE INC by Marco Pozzi and Laura Nicolini
Premio Speciale Carta Mundi
to the best card game
RUS IN URBE by Marco Franchin
Premio Speciale “Sebastiano Izzo”
to the game that would have been appreciated by Sebastiano Izzo, our beloved “games buddy” that we like to remember during every edition
by David Zanotto
Premio Speciale IdeaG
for the best game entirely created by a non professional game author (an author that never published one of his games yet)
NEA POLIS byCiro Facciolli and Sara Rubino
Menzione speciale
to the most professional realizations of prototypes
APOLLO 11 by Nicola Montagner
JULES VERNE PROPHECY by Maurizio Turinetto
Menzione Speciale
Pen&Paper Game
LINE2DOTS by Chong Veng Cheang
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2014, organized by studiogiochi, concerns the invention of unpublished board games. The Prize, dedicated to the great Alex Randolph, who was its President during the first seven editions, made the wishes of more than 30 authors come true thanks to the pubblication of their games.
Everybody can participate, there are no age nor nationality limits. Authors can participate either as a single person or as a group.
The Prize is supported by the patronage of the Comune di Venezia and the J.P. Halvah Foundation (founded by the very same Randolph and directed by Herbert Feuerstein who offers a support of €3.500 to the winners (to be spent within the 30 of April 2015), in form of scholarships, stages, contributions for the publication, etc. The final ceremony will take place in Venice on September 2014 (the exact day will be comunicated as soon as possible).
During this occasion there will be a commemoration of Alex Randolph and an exhibition of the finalist games. The official magazine for the competition is Settimana Logika.
The Prize is also supported by the cooperation of the Musée Suisse du Jeu (Swiss Museum of games) that will organize an exhibition of the winner games.
All the companies that participate to the event will receive informations about the games competing and will be able to take a look at them.
To participate, please fill in the participation form and send a prototype of the game within the 31th of May 2014 to:
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2014 c/o studiogiochi
S. Polo 3083
The authors are required to pay a participation fee of €25 to studiogiochi for each game, that must be sent with the prototype.
This fee is ment to support part of the organization costs. The eventual costum charges must be payed by authors otherwise the game might be disqualified. Studiogiochi will have the right of first refusal on the finalist games (see the participation form).
For the payment, please attach to the rules a nontransferable cheque to studiogiochi or else an international postal cheque. There will be a participation certificate for each admitted game, to witness and certify the presence of the game to this edition.
Besides the Archimede Prize, the jury will assign the Special Prize Sebastiano Izzo and many other Awards such as:
• Carta Mundi Special Prize for the best card game: the prize consists in 1.000 copies made by Carta Mundi for free given to its creator. The game must be composed by one or two decks of cards and will be produced with its rules and its box.
• Special Prize IDG for the best game entirely created by an author that never published one of his games. For the prototypes with more than one author, if one of them already published a game, they can’t be possible candidates.
All the finalists will receive many games offered by the publishers that sponsor the prize.
Requirements to participate
All the games will need the requirements below. Without these requirements they won’t be allowed to the final.
The game
– Has to be original and unpublished.
– Can’t last more than 90 minutes.
The rules
– Have to be in Italian and/or English and printed.
– Have to be easy to understand and exhaustive (including the indication of the contents of the material and the number of players). The jury must not have a hard time understanding them. It is advisable to use examples and figures.
– Can’t be written in more than 10.000 characters.
– Advice: Before you send the game, let it be played by the testers without giving any help explaining the rules, and observe how it works! That way you will know how to refine and perfection your rules and even your game.
The prototype
– Needs to be contained in a solid cardboard box similar to the games officially produced (gameboard included). The box has to be easy to open, but also well closed. It must be easy to carry, not too heavy and not bigger than approximately 40x30x10 cm.
– It has to be functional. For instance the pawns have to be able to stand easily, the spaces have to be enough big, thee cards must not be too thin, the colours have to be easy to identify, etc.
– the game should not depend on its language. If there is any text necessary it is adviced to use english so that the final jury is able to be indipendent.
– It is not necessary for the game to be presented as a final version, the graphic aspect comes after its use.
– The pieces of the game have to be wrapped separately in order to make it easy to get ready for the game.
– If necessary, the board has to be folded to fit into the box.
– The organization is not responsible for any loss or damage of the prototype during the event.
Information about the authors
On the box and on the rules there must be the name of the game, the name and surname of the authors, their full address, telephone number, and eventual e-mail address.
Participation form
The participation form has to be completely filled in and signed for each participating game.
Restitution of the prototypes
The authors may recollect their prototypes at the end of the final ceremony; all the non recollected prototypes won’t be returned.
The jury, the criteria and procedures for the selection of the games
There will be two separate juries, both directed by Niek Neuwahl.
During the first part of the competition only the selection jury is working:
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Leo Colovini (spokesman)
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Mauro Gaffo
• Andrea Ligabue
• Paolo Munini
• Francesco Nepitello
• Dario Zaccariotto
• Alessandro Zucchini
The selection jury will carefully study all game rules, dividing them among its members
• During the jury meetings each member explains to the others the rules he read. Each game will be played by at least 50% of the selection jury members. If during playing the game is judged as not appropriate its playing can be interrupted before the end of the game.
• Each jury member will evaluate the game according to the evaluation criteria. The average of the sum of all votes gives a position to each game that will determine what game will make it to the final.
• The first 30 games will all be played once more by all selection jury members, and among them the finalists will be selected.
The jury will consider the games accordingly to the following criteria (in order of importance):
– Originality of the game mechanisms.
– Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanisms.
– Amusement.
– Interaction between players.
– The possibility that the game will be taken into consideration from editors to be published.
– Theme coherence.
– Quality of the prototype.
At this point the final jury comes into play:
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Michael Bruinsma (Phalanx, Netherlands)
• Bernd & Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
• Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy)
• Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
• Estelle Vareilles (Asmodee, France)
• Albrecht Werstein (Zoch, Germany)
The final jury will meet about one week before the final and each member will play every finalist game, secretly voting and writing down his impressions about his 7 favourite ones.During the final ceremony, there will be a voting in front of the public to decide the winner. Each jury member will give 7 points to his favourite game, 6 points to his second favourite, and so on.
The votes will then be imediately counted to determine the winner of the Edition.
The selection jury will also choose the 3 best card games, indifferently if they are or not among the finalists. These 3 games will be judged separately by the final jury + Luc Martens from Cartamundi. Each jury member will assign 3 points to its favourite card game, 2 points to the next game, and so on. The winner will recieve the Cartamundi Special Prize.
Both groups will be joined by Fabrizio Berger, Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati and Rossana Nardo for consultancy.
Published Archimede Games
The Premio Archimede, has demonstrated throughout the years to be an outstanding showcase. Already 35 the published games that participated to the Prize.
• Who sleeps won’t fish (2014) by D. Rigolone, ed. Piatnik (Expresso Fishing)
• Castles (2010) by Marco Pozzi, ed.Heidelberger Verlag.
• Aquileia (2010) by Pier Volontè, Zoch and 999 games.
• Crazy race (2010) by Antonio Scrittore, Zoch and 999 games (Kalimambo)
• Drop Site (2010), by Dennis Hoyle, Giorgion games.
• Quebec (2008) by Pietro Vozzolo, Huch & Friends (Campos)
• Portobello Road (2008) by Simone Luciani, Piatnik (Frutti di mare)
• Egizia (2008) by Virginio Gigli, Hans im Glück
• Strada romana (2008) by Walter Obert, Ghenos
• Fairy Power (2008) by Antonino Calogero, coop. sociale Lanza del Vasto di Genova
• Ur (2006) by Paolo Mori, What’s your game
• Star System (2006) by Walter Obert, Scribabs
• The muddle maze (2006) by Enrico Pesce and Federica Rinaldi, Scribabs/Post sciptum (Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas)
• Terranova (2004) by Gaetano Evola and Rosanna Leocata, Winning Moves
• Moria (2004) by Alessandro Saragosa, Clementoni (König Solomons Schatzkammer)
• Al Fischmarkt (2004) by Mario Papini, Clementoni
• I vichinghi (2004) by Alessandro Zucchini, Amigo (Walhalla)
• Criminal mouse (2004) by the prisoners of San Vittore, Faro
• Feudo (2004) by Mario Papini, Zugames
• Andrew’s cage (2002) by Andrea Mainini, Recent Toys International come Tunnelz
• Spin & Trap (2002) by Andrea Mainini, Gold Sieber and Recent Toys
• Collection (2002) by Luisa and Francesco Cognetti, Dal Negro and Piatnik (Minestrone)
• Major Tom (2002) by Roland and Tobias Goslar, Kronberger Spiele (Tom Tube)
• Old Town (2002) by Stephan Riedel, Clicker Spiele
• Cromodrom (2002) by Giuseppe Bonfiglio, Piatnik (Farb Flitzer)
• Bisanzio (2000) by Alessandro Saragosa, 999 games (Justinianus)
• Gnomoni (2000) by Duilio Carpitella, Piatnik (San Gimignano), nomination SdJ 2002
• Sopravvento (2000) by Alberto Zaccagni, Sopravvento
• Verba game (1998) by Giuliano Parenti and Torquato Lo Mele, Dal Negro
• Trikube (1998) by Luca Borsa, Ravensburger (Verbindung gesucht)
• Trigos (1998) by Paolo Gasperat, Arg Design
• Forma o colore? (1996) by Francesco Rotta, Hiku Spiele and Faro (Oxxo)
• Algoritmo (1994) by G.Dotta, Qualitygame
• Kupido (1994) by Giovanni Caron, Qualitygame
• C’era una volta (1994) by Francesco Lutrario, Carte Segrete
• Konos (1994) by G.Grieco, A.Grieco, N. Roccasalva, GE.MI
Of the 144 participant games at the Premio Archimede 2014 (coming mostly from Italy, but also from Algeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and Serbia), here they are: the 60 games that made it to the final!
These 60 finalist will be shown on Saturday October 4 at the Sala San Leonardo in Venice, and among them 15 will be chosen the same day to compete in the “final final“.
4 in tondo
Alice in Numberland
Alien corporate invaders
Apollo 11
Approdo del Re
Beer, blood and glory
Black holes
Cardo Maximus
Conquer and control
Dungeon tris
Fish & Ships
Ghost Town
I pilastri della magia
Il consiglio dei dogi
Il mercato
Isola Takuki
Jolly Roger
Jules Verne Prophecy
La trattoria
La vite
La zattera del tesoro
Les Halles
Messe Essen
Nea Polis
Piccoli stregoni – l’attacco di Goran
Recycle Inc
Run for fans
Rus in urbe
Six keys
Soccorso alpino
Top Model
When Worlds collide
Word up!
Andrea Moretto
Roberto Rampini
Mauro Vanetti
Nicola Montagner
David Zanotto
Silvano Bianchini
Sergio Leoni
Luca Bellini
David Zanotto
Fabio Besuzzi e Marco Garavaglia
Fabio Chiarello
Emanuele Ornella
Alessandro Saragosa
Marco Piola Caselli
Antonio Ciocca
Alberto Vis
Stefano Capra
Teodoro Mitidieri
Alberto Carminati e Luca Filipuzzi
Alessandro Dentis
Stefano Capra
Antonio Scrittore
Nestore Mangone
Pier Damiano Bandini e Luca Morigi
di Nic e Mat Franco Marchiori
Adolfo Battisti
Nestore Mangone
Eric Orel
Maurizio Turinetto
Dino Bianchin e David Zanotto
Francesco e Laura Frittelli
Giovanni Cugini
Hiroaki Ota
Guido Albini
Enrico Feresin
Chong Veng Cheang
Hiroaki Ota
Pier Damiano Bandini e Luca Morigi
Peter Verhaeghe
Paolo Corsanici
Ciro Facciolli e Sara Rubino
Roberto Fadigati
Davide Rigolone
Maurizio Buso
Marco Pozzi e Laura Nicolini
Marco Marini e Matteo Girelli
Marco Franchin
Daniele Mariani
Antonio Scrittore
Mattia Monaco
Paolo Agrippino
Pier Damiano Bandini e Luca Morigi
Cielo Doro
Giuseppe Di Giovanni e Fabrizio Mattei
Stefano Tantari
Agostino Recchia
Nicola Della Casa
Alessandro Betrò e Maria Grazia Libretti
Daan Kreek
Paolo Corsanici
10-15 | Reception opens General information Withdrawal of the prototypes that are not admitted to the final Withdrawal of diplomas of the 60 finalists |
10-15 | Exhibition of the 60 games admitted to the final The authors of the games (admitted and not admitted) will meet with the spokespersons of the jury (Leo Colovini) and the other jury members to receive comments and suggestions about their creations |
10-15 | To remember Alex Randolph 10 years after his death an OPEN TOURNAMENT OF GHOSTS (Geister) open to all competitors, judges and visitors. What gave greater satisfaction to Alex was that his games were played. |
15:00 | Nomination of the 4 best card games Nomination of the 15 finalist games Speech of the Municipality of Venice Speech by Furio Honsell, president of GioNa and Mayor of Udine Live voting Reports and awards |
18:00 | Withdrawal of the prototypes at the reception |
20:00 | Final Party – Dinner buffet with music Those interested to join the party with the whole organization and the jury are asked to send an e-mail to elisa.marzorati@studiogiochi.com |
Don’t miss it: it is a unique opportunity to meet people, discuss, experience and above all become friends!
There will be two separate juries, both directed by Niek Neuwahl:
• the selection jury will assign special awards and choose the games admitted to the finals and among them the finalists.
• the final jury will vote in front of the public, during the final ceremony, deciding the winners, for the Archimede Prize.
There will be a separate votation concerning card games, in order to assign the Cartamundi Prize to the best card game. This votation will be lead by Luc Mertens, game expert, specialized in card games, having directed the game section of Cartamundi for 33 years and having collaborated with many different game publishers all over the world.
Selection jury
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Leo Colovini
• Mauro Gaffo
• Andrea Ligabue
• Paolo Munini
• Dario Zaccariotto
• Alessandro Zucchini
Final jury
• Michael Bruinsma (Phalanx, Netherlands)
• Bernd & Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
• Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy)
• Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
• Croc (Asmodée, France)
• Albrecht Werstein (Zoch, Germany)
Both groups will be joined by Fabrizio Berger, Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati, Rossana Nardo and Francesco Nepitello for consultancy.
Premio Archimede 2014 is organized by studiogiochi in collaboration with the city of Venice Murano and Burano, the J.P. Halvah Foundation and the Swiss Museum of Games.
Logika Official Magazine of Premio Archimede 2014 |
The participants to the finals will receive games and materials for the creation of new prototypes from:
In the Musée Suisse du Jeu Premio Archimede 2014 Exhibition, the awarded prototypes are shown as well as those which have received a special mention duringe the 2014 Archimede Edition. Moreover it shows the games of the edition 2012 which in the meantime have been published. Here below, some pictures of the Exhibition.