PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2025, organized by studiogiochi, is focused on the design of unpublished board games.
The competition, dedicated to the great Alex Randolph who was its president for the first 7 editions, has so far allowed more than 60 authors to crown their dream of seeing their game published. Participation (single or group) is open to all, with no limit of residence or age. Participating games must be sent in by March 31, 2025.
The final ceremony will take place indicatively in September 2025 in Venice thanks to the collaboration of the City of Venice within a broader framework of initiatives aimed at spreading the culture of the gaming culture, also as an effective means of preventing the rampant gambling disorders.
Thanks to the support of the publishers, the winners will be awarded a total advance of 3,500 euros on future royalties accrued from the publication of their games.
In addition to Premio Archimede, the jury will assign other awards, trophies and category prizes such as:
- Sebastiano Izzo Special Mention to the game that Sebastiano Izzo, who was an unforgettable ” fellow gamer” that we love to remember at each edition, would have liked the most.
- Cartamundi Trophy for the best card game. Thanks to Cartamundi’s support, an additional advance of 500 euros will be awarded on future royalties.
- QP Trophy for the most innovative physical design, which is the most original and innovative use of physical components such as tiles and other gaming pieces in wood, plastic or any other special material.
- Scienza in Gioco Trophy to the best science themed game with educational and informative purposes, assigned by the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IFN).
- SAZ Italia Trophy for the Italian author who will have best distinguished himself through his proposals. To the winner a free one-day admission to IdeaG Parma.
- Visual Interface Trophy for the game with the best visual aspects of its components, in view of the prototype’s functionality and playability, in terms of colour, contrast, font, spatial configuration and component access. The prize is awarded by Gruppo BoReD (Boardgame Research and Design) of the MIPS Laboratory, part of Dipartimento di Informatica of the Università degli Studi di Milano. See details >
Premio Archimede is recognized by UISP (“Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti” Italian Union of Sport for All) for its socio-cultural and aggregation and inclusion value; in fact, it is an activity with a playful-recreational character and promoting the right to play, for everyone and all ages.
Premio Archimede is collaborating with Spielwarenmesse and the Bavarian Games Archive as part of the Games Inventors Convention in the context of the annual Nuremberg trade fair, a gathering for game authors from around the world, publishers and agencies.
Download the announcement of the Archimedes Prize 2025 from the Download menu, top left.
There will be two separate Juries, who will work in different phases of the competition. During the 1st phase, only the SELECTION JURY will work on the games. Its members are:
The Jury will evaluate all the prototypes, keeping in mind the following criteria, in order of importance:
- Publishing potential, i.e. the chances the game has of being considered by a publisher
- Originality of the game’s mechanics
- Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanics
- Fun
- Functionality of the prototype and clarity of the rules
It must be specified that while the quality of the prototype (and, above all, of the rules) weighs little on the overall evaluation of the game, at the same time it is a fundamental condition for a correct playthrough of the game and the enjoyment of all the other features.
In the Final Jury, chaired by Dario De Toffoli, the participation is confirmed by: