Press review
- Comune di Venezia – 17/9/21
- Liceo Orazio di Roma – 19/9/23
- FB Liceo Orazio di Roma – 19/9/23
- FB Mara Rumiz – 16/9/23
- IUAV Università di Venezia – 9/23
- Jugamos Todos – 17/9/23
- La Piazza Web – 18/9/23
- La Voce di Venezia – 13/9/23
- Liceo Scientifico Ulivi di Parma – 9/23
- Lo Spazio Bianco – 15/9/23
- PokerStars News – 13/9/2023
- Prima Saronno – 18/9/2023
- Saronno News – 17/9/23
- Varese 7 Press – 17/9/23
- Varese News – 17/9/23
- Veneto News – 16/9/23
- Venezia Today – 21/9/23
- Enigmistica24 – 3/11/23
Once again, there was no shortage of suspense. Until the last ballot of the international jury, the awarding of the Archimede Prize 2023 was down to the wire! In the end Rex Cracoviae of the Cielo d’Oro collective from Saronno won, repeating their 2010 success with Aquileia. Second place went to Garden Time by Filippo Landini, who until the very last moment nurtured the dream of a second consecutive victory after the success of 2021 with Overbooking. Completing the podium there was Wunderkammer by Andrea and Lorenzo Martini and Alessandro Zappi.
“The winning game,” explains Dario De Toffoli, “has a complex architecture, but it is perfectly coherent and not too difficult to assimilate; there are various and different ways to earn victory points, so it is a matter of choosing the right strategy at the right time. An interesting and innovative factor is the possibility of activating several of one’s own pawns in different areas of the board; each one goes its own way, at the end of which the pawn will be repositioned for the final score. As it has often happened to the winners of the Archimede Prize and to many more prototypes showcased over the years, I think that this game will certainly have an international publication as well, and we have already received numerous requests in this regard.”
Cielo d’Oro is a collective of friends that have been close for the past fifty years, all from Saronno: Pier Volonté, Giorgio Villa, Chicco and Gigi Tramezzani, Stefano Fontana, Mario Biscella, Renato Borgatti and Maurizio Colombo. This is their second victory (out of nine participations), after their first triumph with Aquileia in 2010. At the question at how do they felt, “Twelve years older” was their first comment. “We actually didn’t expect this victory, because we had presented three different prototypes and considered Rex Cracoviae the more complex one, a ‘boar,’ as they say in the game world. Instead, it was probably this peculiarity that impressed the jury. We are now all retired, but we are a clear example of how gaming can be an important uniting factor at all ages and not just something related to the world of the youngsters. Now we will take a short break to promote the winner game to the publishing houses, but we are already at work on at least three other projects.”
In addition to the Archimede Prize, a number of important collateral prizes were also awarded, with Emergency as the guest of honour who, in collaboration with the Iuav university of Venice, was awarded the Special Mention Sebastiano Izzo for Dragomuro, created by the university students Ruggero Perenzin, Francesco Tonon and Marcello Sponza to narrate, in the form of a game, the trauma of war as seen through the eyes and drawings of children. Sebastiano Izzo was a special person, open to diversity and always willing to share what he had: he would certainly have loved this game and Emergency’s efforts as a whole to soothe the world’s wounds.
Fotonica in Gioco prize went to Smonta la Fake from Liceo Scientifico Statale Giacomo Ulivi in Parma. In second place was Be Hive! from I.T.S. Deledda – Fabiani in Trieste, and in third place Psephos from Liceo Ginnasio Statale Orazio in Rome.
Millennium, by Leonardo Errati and others collaborators, has been selected in the project Matematica in Gioco from Trento’s University.
Cartamundi Trophy for best card game went to Adiós Amigos! by Matteo Cimenti, Chiara Zanchetta and Carlo Rigon.
SAZ Italia Trophy for best development went to Croak a Lot by Carlo Sgattoni.
Scienza in Gioco trophy awarded by CNR – IFN went to Fibonacci, by Angela and Emanuela Cavinato.
The Venice City Council hosted the Prize in the magnificent Sala San Leonardo and Councillor Paola Mar did the honours: “These games are made to bring people together, helping them to develop a collaborative spirit, and I think this is a fantastic endeavour.”
As many as 238 prototypes – the majority from Italy, but also from many other countries – participated in the 18th Archimede Prize. All games were played and tested very carefully by the preliminary jury, composed of:
Leo Colovini – President
Giuseppe Baggio
Piero Modolo
Federico Colovini
The quality of the 24 finalists was truly astonishing, also because they were able to benefit from an additional stage of development, carried out in collaboration with the same preliminary jury; this procedure, i.e. the fine-tuning of the prototypes prior to the final testing, although long and arduous, was a real success, much appreciated by both the authors and the final jurors.
For the final jury, were present in Venice:
Dario De Toffoli – President (studiogiochi, Italy)
Hadi Barkat (Helvetiq, Switzerland)
Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi and Pierpaolo Paoletti (ThunderGryph, Spain)
Luca Borsa (SAZ Italia, Italy)
Bernd and Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
Stefano De Carolis (Giochi Uniti, Italy)
Erik de Jong and Bert Calis (999 Games, The Netherland)
Luigi De Luca Cuccia and Gianluca Corrente (Creative Jam, Italy)
François Décamp (Asmodée, France)
Miriam Donda and Alessandro Montingelli (Amigo, Germany)
Thorsten Gimmler (Ravensburger, Germany)
Hermann Hutter (HUCH!, Germany)
Simone Luciani (Cranio Creations, Italy)
Wolfgang Lüdtke (Kosmos, Germany)
Conor McGoey (Inside Up Games, Canada)
Umberto Rosin (Tana dei Goblin, Italy)
Michal Šmíd (Albi, Czech Republic)
Dieter and Severin Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
Matthias Wagner (Pegasus, Germany)
Tobias Weierstraß (Moses, Germany)
It was a week of intense and tiring work, but truly gratifying. To see twenty editors from the world’s major publishing houses, some “veterans” and some newcomers, competitors in theory, playing together in perfect harmony, embracing each other, dining together, and basically enjoying this event truly filled us with satisfaction… and the compliments were not lacking.
A special mention goes to Umberto Rosin who, as a skilled rower as well as player, together with Rossana Nardo, made the jurors experience the thrill of a tour of the Grand Canal in a historic rowing boat.
The work of the studiogiochi staff was invaluable in organising the website, secretariat, graphics, video and photos. Everything was impeccable: thank you!
Premio Archimede 2023 – Ranking
Rex Cracoviae by Cielo D’Oro
2nd place
Garden Time by Filippo Landini
3rd place
Wunderkammer by Andrea Martini, Lorenzo Martini, Alessandro Zappi
4th place
Una Giornata Sfortunata by Cielo D’Oro
5th place
Le Botteghe di Firenze by Alessandro Cuneo
6th place
Adiós Amigos! by Matteo Cimenti, Chiara Zanchetta, Carlo Rigon
7th place
Covens by Félix Bernat Julián
8th place
Ikebana by Francesco Testini
9th place
Croak a Lot by Carlo Sgattoni
10th place
Let’s Wall by Francesco Angileri, Francesco Timo
11th place
Dragomuro by Ruggero Perenzin, Francesco Tonon, Marcello Sponza
Soaring Skies by Aaron Kempkes
13th place
Up & Down by Marco Rava, Simona Greco
14th place
Borgopietra by Guglielmo Cok
15th place
Building Up by Pietro Gabrielli
Puzzle World by David Spada
17th place
Blood & Glory by Maria Chiara Bagli
Pond Salad by Richard De Rijk
19th place
Aiutanti di Noè by Giorgio Galbusera
20th place
Crazy West by Maurizio Buso, Fabrizio Tronchin
21th place
Frutta e Verdura by Cielo D’Oro
22th place
Crazy Worms by Fabrizio Tronchin, Maurizio Buso
23th place
La Forgia dei Nani by Francesco Frittelli
24th place
Dice Cream by Gabriele Rolandini
The selection jury has completed the massive work of playtesting and evaluating all the 238 participating prototypes.
24 finalist games have been selected, many of which required some development by the authors suggested by the jury in order to refine them and make them ready for presentation to the final jury.
During the week of September 11 to 16, the international jury of more than 20 publishers from the world’s leading publishing houses will arrive in Venice to test them, evaluate them, and give their final verdict during the awards ceremony on Saturday, September 16.
A very intensive but also beautiful work, where publishers from different (theoretically competing) publishers will enjoy playing together here, united by a common passion, in this playful full-immersion.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Sala San Leonardo, Calle de la Chiesa, 1584 – Venice
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Exhibition of finalist games, special projects, and other noteworthy games (open to everyone)
1:30 p.m.
Awarding Fotonica in Gioco prize, organized by IFN-CNR. The three best science-themed board games, created by three classes of students from Italian secondary schools, will be awarded.
2:15 p.m.
Awards Ceremony (open only to jurors, finalist authors, special guests, and staff):
- Awarding of Special Prizes
- Announcement of results and winners Archimedes Prize 2023
- Celebration
Note: Unfortunately, due to limitations communicated to us by the City of Venice regarding the capacity of the hall, only finalist authors (rather than all authors) will be able to attend the award ceremony.
6:30 p.m.
Closing San Leonardo Hall
The PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2023, organized by studiogiochi, is centered around the invention of new, original board games. The prize is dedicated to the great Alex Randolph – who was its president for the first 7 editions – and so far has helped over 50 authors to fulfill the dream of having their game published. The participation (single or group) is open to everyone, with no age or residence restriction. The participating games must be sent by March 31st, 2023.
The closing ceremony will take place approximately around mid-September 2023 in Venice thanks to the collaboration of the City of Venice, within an ampler framework of initiatives aimed at the spreading of gaming culture and at preventing the rampant gambling disorders. Thanks to the publishers’ support, the winning authors will receive a total of €3.500 in advance on the future royalties accrued through the publication of their games.
In addition to the Premio Archimede, the Jury will also assign several other awards, trophies and special prizes, such as:
- Special Mention Sebastiano Izzo to the game that would have been a favorite of Sebastiano Izzo, unforgotten “game buddy” that we like to honor in each edition.
- Trophy Cartamundi to the best card game. Thanks to Cartamundi support, €500 will be granted in advance on future royalties of the game.
- Trophy Scienza in Gioco to the best science themed game with educational and informative purposes, assigned by the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IFN – CNR).
- Trophy SAZ Italia to the best developed game that improved the most compared to the first original version submitted. To the winner a free entry of one day to IdeaG nazionale.
The Musée Suisse du Jeu will house a display of both the finalist games and the Special Trophies winners.
The award is also recognized by SAZ (Spiele-Autoren-Zunft, the international game designers association), by UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) and by GioNa (Associazione Nazionale delle Città in Gioco) for its socio-cultural and inclusive values; it is in fact a playful and recreational activity that promotes the right to play, for everyone and for all ages.
Download the Premio Archimede 2023 Notice of Competition from the left menu.
Here are, in strict alphabetical order, the 24 finalist games selected by the pre-selection jury, after months and months of hard and careful work, that will enter the next phase of the Archimedes Prize 2023. We particularly note the presence among the finalists of one of the games of the exhibition “The Game – The Role of Emergency.”
See the virtual exhibition with photos of the games that made it to the finals >
Games | Authors |
Adiós Amigos! | |
Aiutanti di Noè | |
Blood & Glory | |
Borgopietra | |
Building Up | |
Covens | |
Crazy West | |
Crazy Worms | |
Croak a Lot | |
Dice Cream | |
Dragomuro | |
Frutta e Verdura | |
Garden Time | |
Ikebana | |
La Forgia dei Nani | |
Le Botteghe di Firenze | |
Let’s Wall | |
Pond Salad | |
Puzzle World | |
Rex Cracoviae | |
Soaring Skies | |
Una Giornata Sfortunata | |
Up & Down | |
Wunderkammer |
Here are the photos of the 24 finalist prototypes of the Premio Archimede 2023, top-level games that will be submitted to the international jury of more than twenty editors from the world’s leading publishing houses, which will arrive in Venice to test them, evaluate them and give their final verdict during the awards ceremony on Saturday, September 16.
There will be two separate Juries, who will work in different phases of the competition. During the 1st phase, only the Selection Jury will work on the games. Its members are:
The Jury will evaluate all the prototypes, keeping in mind the following criteria, in order of importance:
- Publishing potential, i.e. the chances the game has of being considered by a publisher
- Originality of the game’s mechanics
- Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanics
- Fun
- Functionality of the prototype and clarity of the rules
It must be specified that while the quality of the prototype (and, above all, of the rules) weighs little on the overall evaluation of the game, at the same time it is a fundamental condition for a correct playthrough of the game and the enjoyment of all the other features.
The Final Jury, at the moment, is composed by:
Both Juries will rely on the collaboration and advice from other selected playtesters.
The jurors of the 2021 edition
We received numerous appreciations for the work done, both from the authors and from the jurors-editors and we are proud of it.
Among all, we were moved by the cards sent to us by the fantastic family of Conor McGoey (Inside Up Games); it was also a great pleasure to play with his wife Dominique and children Kilianne (13), Caleb (12) and Dahlia (10).
During the Premio Archimede 2023, Dario De Toffoli made some interviews with:
Mara Rumiz (Emergency Venezia), Luca Borsa (SAZ Italia), Fabio Chiarello (CNR – IFN), Agnese Del Zozzo (University of Trento), Furio Honsell, Francesca Ercoli (Spielwarenmesse).