Die Brücken von Shangrila
Die Brücken von Shangrila
Boardgamegeek Photogallery
Long ago, the villages of Shagrila were inhabited by the wisest people in the world. One day, however, these wise people all disappeared mysteriously with only one remaining – the Invisible Bridge Balster. As soon as the news of the disappearance spread, the mountain people of the surrounding high valleys sent their most astute masters and their most knowledgeable students on a great pilgrimage to the villages. They were to ensure that in the future, their own culture would prevail in Shangrila.
Each player places seven different Masters of his color into the villages of Shagrila. Throuhout the course of the game, new Masters will be placed and will take on Students to learn their disciplines. Once the time is right, the Students will travel across a bridge away from their Masters’ village into a neighboring village. If the village from which the Student came is stronger than the new village, then the Student may be placed under the watch of a new Master, or he may even become a Master himself, if there is no Master present in his discipline. Whenever Students make such a journey, it will destroy the bridge on the followed path. At the end of the game, whoever placed the most Masters of his color in the villages of Shangrila is the winner!
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