Home pubblicazioni Extrem Memo

Extrem Memo


Extrem Memo

Players: 2-4

Duration: 20 min

Age: 5+

First edition:


Haba is a famous wooden games and toys publisher. The Haba catalogue is the richest of its category and its products are realized in a very high quality.
Extrem Memo is a memory in which the cards represent not one but two images. Like the classic memory the cards are layed face down on the table one next to the other. The player on turn has to turn one card and then look for its correspondent other. But that second card is not necessarily on the table, it could belong to one of the other players or already be among someone’s own recollected cards: you have to remember it!


The game

List of editions
  • 2010,
    Extrem Memo
    (Tedesco) (first edition)
  • 2010,
    Mèmo Extrème
  • 2010,
    Memo Extreem