Heul Doch! Mau mau

Heul Doch! Mau mau
A funny game of onions-cards, for crying with the entire family (paper towel included!).
Aim of the game is to play the cards, possibly of high value, on your own scoring deck by matching the color or the value of the card on top of it. However, if the card you play matches by value or color to a card belonging to a neighbor player, it should be played on top of thier pile instead. Alternatively, you can always any play card on your deck if you play them face down. At the end of the game, however, you must discard all the cards of the value corresponding to the sum of all cards facing down that you own. For example, if I have 5 cards facing down, I must discard all 5s. At last, everyone sums up the remaining cards: who managed to collect the most points is the winner.
Linked games: Disney Villains: The Card Game