Home pubblicazioni Il partito perfetto?

Il partito perfetto?


Il partito perfetto?

Players: 1

Duration: 5 min

Age: 10+

First edition:



A game created for the exhibition “Concreta utopia – Lelio Basso e il progetto di una democrazia globale” at the Casanatense library of Rome.

The game consisted in setting up your ideal party, choosing among the various organizational forms of the base, the summits and leadership.
The end result was compared with the actual historical experiences and the results were often comical: intellectual left party choices corresponded to the extreme right organizations and those of the Conservative party were related to trade union movements.

“Here then, at the end, a game about “what party are you from?” Indeed, just make your own ideal party, and we’ll tell you what it is. Visitors tempted from the game, pay attention! Who is writing, in his eagerness to promote the self-organization and ensure the basic control, ended up among the Cobas milk group!”

GUGLIELMO RAGOZZINO, Il Manifesto – 21/11/03

List of editions
  • 2003, Il partito perfetto?
    (Italiano) (first edition)