Lex Arcana – Carthago
Lex Arcana – Carthago
Players: 3+
Age: 12+
First edition:
1996Carthago – The shadow of the devourer is an expansion for the Role-playing game Lex Arcana and inlcudes:
- A report to the Emperor written by Magister Ennio Valente and regarding the situation of Carthago and the two provinces of Numidia and Mauretania
- A detailed description of the earth of the Devourer, starting from the dark shadows of Carthago renaissance, to the forgotten regions of the Atlas
- A chapter dedicated to the blood’s rituals magic of Carthago
- A chapter dedicated to new fantastic creatures and to their magical power
- Many tables helping to use the information, offering good examples for encounters and adventures
- Two long adventures that will bring Custodes to get inside these landscapes, full with blood from centuries, trying to oppose themselves against the return of the terrible Children Eater Baal-Moloch
Related products: Lex Arcana | Lex Arcana – Germania | Lex Arcana – Schermo del Demiurgo | Lex Arcana – Italia
Linked games: Lex Arcana (2019)
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