Home pubblicazioni Scala quaranta, pinnacolo e dintorni

Scala quaranta, pinnacolo e dintorni


Scala quaranta, pinnacolo e dintorni


pp. 64 Published together with Stampa Alternativa With a historical note by Sebastiano Izzo


There are many ways to play “Pinnacolo“; some of them vary just for  the points used to count the cards, some others are different because of changes in the mechanisms. There aren’t two guidebooks that explain the same rules about this game. The Pinocle described in this book is therefore not “the” but “a” Pinocle. The variation of the gamechosen for the book is the one that the author felt to be more interesting and especially more representative for the entire “family” of games that are called by the same name. The book presents also “Scala Quaranta” and “Ramino” besides other “variations” and “options” of Pinocle; the book includes some interesting examples about the game.

List of editions
  • 2000, Scala quaranta, pinnacolo e dintorni
    (Italiano) (first edition)